This spring MultiKulti Youth Center is starting with a new season of workshops which as a format we are sure that most of you know. The workshops will be implemented trough non-formal educational methodology and will be in line of the values that Center for Intercultural Dialogue (CID) stands for.
The workshops are part of the project “MultiKulti Cube – Space for intercultural/ethnic action”. Bellow you will find a short description on the project and workshops.

Project summary:
The project’s overall aim is creating ground for sustainable inter-ethnic dialogue by fostering intercultural learning and communication among young people, additionally supported by inter-institutional cooperation aiming to promote active youth participation.


  • To raise awareness on the lack of cultural and intercultural activities in the public spaces in the community
  • To promote direct citizens (especially youth) involvement in the intercultural dialogue in their community
  • To support sustainable intercultural activities by linking various youth groups through joint educational processes

This include different educational programs which will be held in the youth center, like performance and drama program, recycle workshops, social rights workshops, street animation program. Through all of these programs a message of intercultural tolerance and acceptance of diversity will be spread. All of the workshops will be bi-lingual (on Macedonian and Albanian) with the same amount of participants which will assure safe space for the youngsters, and positive ground towards building mutual understanding.

Beside this the project will develop a physical space “Square” for promoting cultural dialogue and easing the process of self-expression of the youngsters. The “Square” will be movable and used for the performances of each program.

– Performance and Drama Program – aims to develop youth skills for acting and preparation of a theatre play, as a tool to practice the right of the young people to freely participate in cultural life and arts. The programme will provide the young people with knowledge on theater and drama arts and will strengt their performance skills. Moreover, it will improve their attitude toward different cultures, since the outcome of this programme will be couple of theatre exhibitions around the city on the “square” on public areas, which as a unique product also serve to promote intercultural dialogue to the wider community.
– Recycle workshops – aims to promote sustainable living, recycling and reusing of materials as a style of life among youth. It will provide children with knowledge of how to create recycle arts, where they can use recycling and why is it important for a better society. The outcome will be exhibitions on the created items from recycling which will be made on and around the “square”
– Social rights workshop – aims to promote access of social rights for young people following the Council of Europe’s revised chapter on social rights. It is envisioned as a set of workshops and debates for youth, ending on the “square” with a larger simulation and discussion
– Street animation program – aims to empower youngsters to be more active in the society. By using creative methods the youngsters will have many activities outdoors around the city doing different flash-mobs, animation exhibitions, open activities etc. The activities will be linked with promoting the “square”.

Technical Information:

The call is open for 8 facilitators which already have previous experience in implementing non-formal educational activities.
The workshops will be organised once or twice per week in coordination with the coordinators of the project.

The entire call available on Macedonian and Albanian is available here.
Deadline: 17th of April 2015.