On the 20th of November at the Municipality of Lipkovo a meeting was hosted with the authorities of the Municipality and the representatives of the Youth Initiative Board of Lipkovo. The aim of the meeting was to inform the Initiative Board about the structure of the Municipality and about their activities related to youth policy. The agenda focused on exploring different ways of cooperation between the Municipality and the future Local Youth Council.

The importance of the meeting lies in the Municipality’s capacities to support the future Local Youth Council and guarantee a realistic approach on their activities. The cooperation between the two sides will ensure a more efficient outcome in the implementation of the action plans related to youth of Lipkovo.

The meeting provided a positive atmosphere and the local authorities showed interest in supporting the Initiative Board, building up the way to a productive collaboration.

Up to this stage the members of the Initiative Board took part in weekly trainings on youth activism, making advocacy campaigns, securing funds, organizing events, etc. There are more activities to come on building the capacities for the future Local Youth Council.