New MultiKулти promo video!
Our youth center has a new promotional video and it’s awesome! Check it out to get an idea of what we are doing at the moment in MultiKулти.
CID is celebrating 10 years of activism and dedication to the community!
Follow this Facebook link to remember with us all the beautiful moments that were part of our journey!

We are happy to announce that the MultiKулти youth center has a packed agenda this Fall!
This time we offer a package of workshops initiated and facilitated by youth, with our support. The initiatives sound good, and they address some of the crucial needs that we identified in the community together with the young people. Moreover, our fresh team of EVS volunteers is joining the efforts to create a dynamic and creative space in the youth center. The doors of the center are open now from morning until late evening, and we are welcoming everyone!
They joined us in CID recently, but they are already bombing the agenda with activities! Onur, Andreea, Jannika and Dorian will spend between 2-3 months in Kumanovo, time in which they will develop various activities in the local community. And because they want the world to know about how excited they are, here is a blog they are running:

Aleksandra about the Forum of Young Peacebuilders
Our colleague participated in teh forum held in the Hague, Netherlands

Stefan about the ”No Hate Speech” seminar in Tirana
The No Hate Speech campaign had yet another seminar in Tirana, Albania

MultiKулти Graffiti Fest: color and fun for all ages
Adding color to the youth center after the renovation – mission accomplished!

Teodora about the Volunteering Management Lab
Teodora attended a training course on managing volunteers in Poznan, Poland

UYD 17: yet another great experience in Mollina
Marija and Angela share their story from the 17th #YUD in Mollina, Spain.

YOUTHIFICATION: training for youth workers
Meet our partner and their project – training for youth workers in the Netherlands