Bertan is currently volunteering in Ankara, Turkey. His EVS project is a short-term one, but he already managed to make unforgettable memories there. What exactly is he doing there? Let’s see:
My EVS is about the meeting of generations – which is the topic of the EVS project. We are working in a few places: one of them is the youth center where we go twice a week; on Wednesdays we have an English conversation club and on Sundays we play games and teach English to Syrian children.Another place where we go once a week is the elderly house where we hang out with the elderly and with people with special needs. The third place is The Clock Tower where also older people go, we serve them tea and hang out with them. When I say “we” I mean my colleagues who are taking part in this project with me. We are 5 volunteers coming from Italy, Ukraine, Slovakia, Georgia and Bulgaria. We all live together in a big flat in the Kecioren Minicipality.
Since Bertan is of Turkish origin, he did not have any challenges adapting to the culture of the hosting country. He mentioned that living and working in a group is a very important experience for him, and what he finds most valuable in his experience is working with the refugee children coming from Syria.
I met a lot of people, made a lot of new friends. My prejudice about the refugees and the elderly people are gone. I learnt not to judge people, to help as much as I can those who need it. I think I am becoming a better person. I would recommend to all those young people that have the opportunity, to volunteer with an EVS project. It’s a great experience and after this project I will be looking for a long-term EVS project for sure!