Durant nos jours de repos, nous en avons profité pour visiter la Macédoine. Nous avons commencé par visiter la capitale, Skopje, durant 2 jours. Puis nous avons également été à Matka et Kokino, en pleine nature. Nous avons profité du long week-end de Pâques pour partir explorer le sud de la Macédoine, nous avons passé 2 jours à Ohrid puis 2 jours à Bitola.

In the past two months we created beautiful things for the children, such as the games Monopoly, Snake game, Pandemic. Also during sunny days we had the chance to create a garden and plant seeds. After that we re-planted the shoots in pots. MultiКулти is a place full of joy and good vibes, both for the children who come to play and for the people who work here. It is a place dedicated to children, everything is made for them, and we see their joy when they come to spend time here after school.
With Cassandre we had some lovely and enriching encounters with local people. The people are welcoming, their hospitality surprised us greatly. During our vacation days, we took the opportunity to visit Macedonia. We started by visiting the capital, Skopje, for 2 days. Then we also visited Matka and Kokinoplaces surrounded by nature. We took advantage of the long Easter weekend to explore Southern Macedonia, and spent 2 days in Ohrid and then 2 days in Bitola.
It is interesting to see another part of the country, which is more touristy and where the landscapes are not the same. Our EVS allowed us to discover a country of which we knew nothing, as well as the life of the Balkans, to meet beautiful people, improve our English, live with and learn from volunteers from other countries.
An EVS experience is very enriching, and we highly recommend it, it is a mind-opening experience.