In the process of consolidation of the Youth Council in Lipkovo, its members are taking a step further by creating a Youth Club. On March 7, the board of the Youth Council organized an ”Open Day with the Youth Council” in the Municipality of Lipkovo, in order to welcome 15 young people who showed interest in joining the Youth Club. The call for members was spread through social media (Facebook), as well as directly in schools.
The Open Day included activities that aimed at familiarizing the young people about their possible involvement and informing them about the mission and strategy of the Youth Council. They were asked to work together in assessing the needs of the youth in Lipkovo and think about how they can contribute to meet those needs; another exercise encouraged them to identify possible obstacles for their active involvement and brainstorm on solutions.
The Youth Club will be an active component of the Youth Council and will organize activities with the aim to empower the youth in Lipkovo to get involved and benefit from non-formal educational activities by developing soft skills. Its members are highly optimistic about getting more young people interested in their activities and thus receive more legitimacy and recognition in the community.