CID has a longstanding partnership with YEU (Youth for Exchange and Understanding). This year, two more junior trainers joined the YEU PET – pool of trainers: Dragana Jovanovska and Florim Rexhepi. Together with the Vice-President Matej Manevski and the senior trainers – Stefan Manevski and Milos Ristovski, they attended the event held in Lviv, Ukraine, between 9th – 16th of March. The Training of Trainers (ToT), named „Cultivating groups of thoughtful committed citizens” explored the topic of Human Rights Education.

During six days trainers from various European countries gathered in Lviv to share and to learn about tools of non-formal education, to explore human rights offline and online and their violations, as well as to strengthen partnerships and to develop strategic partnerships for further action.

This is an important process for CID due to the impressive number of trainers that are part of the POT, but also because CID has an extensive experience in implementing projects on a local level that tackle the human rights dimension.

For the full gallery of photos, please follow the Facebook link.