FB cover

Speak Up (Ај Не Ќути) is a new live show at MultiКулти Youth Radio that goes ON AIR every Saturday from 6 to 8 in the evening. Me and two other girls are hosting this show and we loved the idea to have a live show, because it seemed like an awesome opportunity to gain new skills in this “Radio Work”.

And we didn’t regret! The idea of the show, as the name says, was to make the listeners “speak up” and tell us their opinion about the topic. We wanted a show where we could have feedback from the listeners. And we got it! I personally think people tell us their opinions because the topics of the show are always attractive concerning their everyday life . We choose topics from current events and interests of young people with aim discuss and provide space for youngsters to share their opinion and SPEAK UP!

Until now we had few shows and I must say we are very satisfied from the results. We are also putting much more effort to prepare a live show than a regular one, but the success rate is really high and “pays off” all of the effort!

We enjoy doing this and I hope we will improve our show much more.