Sandra_July 2012I am Sandra from Estonia. I am a long-term EVS volunteer in CID. I arrived in Macedonia (Kumanovo) on the 8th of February. I did not know what to expect really. And I did not do much research on Macedonia before my arrival. I was sure that 9 months are more than enough to study the country. I was happy to finally become an EVS volunteer. I had wanted to do this quite some time already.

Now almost 6 months are past and I feel pretty much at home. I think I found my place in the organization already from the beginning. People in CID are amazingly friendly and outgoing.  I started my work being part of the online radio group and helping with the monthly newsletter. Now I am also managing websites, writing articles, helping with online media and promotion. I have taken more and more responsibilities each month. I like a lot what I do. I feel I have gained the trust of the people in the organization and they do not see me only as a volunteer but as a part of the group. I think I have been very useful for the organization and at the same time they have gave me an opportunity to develop myself and bring up new ideas I wish to do in life after my service.

Only three more months are left till the end of my service and it makes me a bit sad. Macedonia is a beautiful country! I know already that I will miss Macedonia and all the great people I have met here a lot!

Thank you CID!