workshops in our Youth center have already started!The new season of the Multi Култи youth center has started and gathered local youngsters with different ethnic and cultural background, offering them space to learn and have fun while participating in workshops of Eco Creativity, Debating Club, Sport&Dance, Youth Activism and many other activities.

All the youth center activities have the common aim to gather youngsters to get to know each other, share values and ideas, and work towards a common outcome with someone they find different. All of the activities are unique model of local youth work in multicultural societies and inclusion of young people.

Around 300 youngsters from the local community sign up for the programs of Multi Култи, to be organized in the period of October- December 2012.

The workshops are facilitated by youth workers and youth activists that were previously involved in CID activities, which confirm their motivation and proves that those who have been involved with CID in the past, want to continue to be involved in our activities!

The workshops offered by Multi Култи are full of creativity, and stimulate learning by offering participants unique ways of expression and of course a lot of fun! We wish them a lot of fun and success in the process of learning new things through non-formal education!