Financed and Supported by:   NDI (National Democratic Institute) and SMR – Union for Youth Work

Short description: The initiative for professionalization and recognition of youth work that CID initiated in 2012/2013 has already managed to unite the major organizations of the youth sector. It is a long-term initiative aimed at the creation of youth support systems in Macedonia. The initiative includes working on defining youth work, defining the quality assurance process of the youth work programs and public recognition of youth work and youth workers in Macedonia. As part of the initiative in May 2013 a Union for Youth Work was formed which unites over 20 providers of youth work.

In order to structure the dialogue for recognition of youth work four working groups are formed:

– Working group on legislative recognition including the legal framework for youth work

– Working group on competencies of youth workers which defines a framework of knowledge, skills and attitudes of a youth worker

– Working group on quality criteria for organizations providers of youth programs as well as their accreditation

– Working group on internal issues and cooperation within the Union for Youth Work

The next step of the initiative is to work on the creation of a draft law on youth work. The process reflects the need for legal regulation of youth work and thus greater recognition and validation of youth workers.

For more information please contact Stefan Manevski –

Union for Youth Work  –

Recognition of Youth WorkRecognition of Youth Work 1