Project dates: 10 – 18 June 2015
Project place: Newcastle, United Kingdom
Deadline for application: 09.05.2015
About the organizers: 
OpportUNITY is a Non-governmental, not-for-profit organisation with an aim to inspire, support and empower young people. This is achieved through the three themes of promoting, education and training in healthier lifestyles and greater social cohesion. It delivers programmes in Youth Development, Youth Leadership, Citizenship and Youth Education. It also promotes learning through diversionary and informal activities such as sport, media and creative or performing arts. It is a strictly voluntary organisation and voluntarism is something that it promotes amongst the young people it works with. It is a key partner in local and regional youth policy making, and an active member of youth sector networks. It strongly supports community cohesion and engages positively with young people from different socio-economic and ethnic minority backgrounds to bring communities together through the medium of the said activities. Its Youth Participation projects support the involvement of young people in decision making, and civic engagement, through school councils, local youth councils and national level through Youth Parliament. This allows them to actively participate in shaping their futures.
Project summary: 
The presented project “Gamification” is a Training Course, which is addressed to youth workers and activists coming from eleven participating organizations, representing following countries: Great Britain (applicant organization), Italy, Macedonia, Greece, Croatia, Turkey and Poland.
The main theme of the Training Course is to foster mutual understanding between young people coming from European and non-European countries, as well as, to contribute to further development of innovative and engaging methods to be used in the field of youth work: in this case – LARP (live action role-play games). During the TC, participants will obtain new knowledge and skills connected to games and LARPs as a great and one-of-a-kind working method and educational tool, which can be extremely useful when working with young people and telling them about values such as democracy, culture, art, tolerance, Human Rights and mutual understanding. The TC will be entirely based on the concept and methods of non-formal education and will allow participants, with help and support of the trainers, to develop their own educational games, which can be later on used in their own work and among members of their local communities. As a result of the TC, we expect to equip the participants in new skills and know-how, which will be extremely useful in their everyday work of sharing culture of peace, mutual understanding and respect: this time, not in a game, but in real life.
Participating countries: the UK (host), Macedonia, Turkey, Slovenia, Croatia, Italy, Greece. Participants must be citizens or residents of those countries, at least 18 years of age. Each partner organisation will send three participants in total.
Financial aspects: 

  • Food and accommodation is 100% covered by the organizers
  • Travel expenses will be covered up to 360 EUR
  • Visa costs will be covered 100%.
    Please note that if selected you will have to apply for the visa right away. Visa costs are around 180 EUR.

Profile of participants:

  • Be above 18 years old
  • Have previous experience in youth work and non-formal education, project management and/or volunteering
  • Able to work in English
  • Willing to share the new knowledge with the members of CID once they get back
  • Able to attend the entire duration of the project

Sending fee (payable to CID): 500 MKD
Apply here