Project place: Motta S. Anastasia, Sicily, Italy

Project dates: 30 July – 09 August 2015

Deadline for application: URGENT CALL!



About the hosting organization:

ICARUS NGO has been established in the month of June 2011 by a group of volunteers who had previous experience in European mobility projects in different fields, either volunteering either training and education (LLP Leonardo, EVS, Marie Curie, International volunteer projects and workcamps, etc)
ICARUS has the following aims:
– Promotion of international mobility rights as an inalienable human right and as a tool of training and shape personal development and growth of the individual;
– Promotion of active citizenship in particular of disadvantaged and marginalized people or at risk of being marginalized and excluded;
– promotion of culture of legality and human rights;
– promotion of International cooperation as a tool for sustainable developement and self centred, together with the developement of sustainable, solidal human and social relations
– promotion of local and International volunteer activities as tool for social intervention and to build a fairer, supportive society able to promote Peace and Justice values.
Main activities are youth exchanges and training of young people and youth leaders/workers on the different themes of interest of the association.


About the project: 

“I feel free, Creative Legality” is a 11-days-youth exchange project which will gather 26 participants from Italy, Belgium, France, Macedonia and Germany. The YE will take place in Catania, Sicily, from the 30th of July to the 9th of August 2015.
Through non-formal learning process, participants will get a wider awareness of the illegal phenomena by sharing and comparing their own realities, with the aim to encourage civic consciousness and awareness of legality, social change and active citizenship. Furthermore, the youth exchange is promoting the social inclusion of disadvantaged youngsters.
By visiting places of memory, and meeting associations which are managing confiscated goods to mafia, participants will have the opportunity to get closer to stories of people who had and have a meaning in the fight against the mafia in Sicily. Participants will also take part in brainstorming, reflection moment and expressive workshops in order to rework the issues of legality and civil commitment by using video, drama, and music. To end the activities, a public visibility event will be planned and performed by the group.

Participants will be people interested in the topic and in developing new ways of promoting legality by using creative forms of expression. The youth exchange “I feel free – Creative Legality” is a youth mobility project that promotes the participation of people with fewer opportunities. Participants will be youngsters from 17 to 28 y.o. with different social and economic backgrounds. Each national group will be composed by 4
participants and 1 youth leader and it will involve one person from rural areas, high widespread crime areas, people with lower education, NEET target group, person with criminal records, or any other youngsters who are living condition of discrimination, social exclusion or at risk of exclusion.


Profile of participants: 

  • be motivated and initiative BEFORE, DURING AND AFTER youth exchange
  • participate in the project from its very first till the very last day
  • involved in daily tasks
  • active involvement in the workshop organization. Help to share responsibility by making suggestions for group activities, discussions, games etc. commit to a group experience and to making decisions and solving problems together
  • be able to work in English
  • be able to attend the entire duration of the project
  • share your experience with member of your sending organization after your return
  • be between 18 and 28 years old


Financial aspects of the project:

  • Travel costs will be covered up to 170 EUR.
    The reimbursement will be made upon receiving all original tickets and boarding passes via bank transfer. 
  • Food and accommodation will be 100% covered
    The participants will be accommodated in rooms of 5-6 people. 



SENDING FEE (payable to CID): 500 MKD


Apply here