Project place: Berlin – Grunewald, Germany
Project dates: 15 – 22 August 2015
Deadline for application: URGENT CALL!!!!
Background idea of the project:
Europe is a pluralistic place in terms of identities, cultural background, religion, ethnicity. In more and more aspects of life we need to look outwards: get out of our own cultural boxes and start to understand diversity, adapt to it and operate in this environment.
Even youth initiatives under new Erasmus + programme must go international.
The aim of this training course is to prepare youth leaders and youth workers from all over Europe to successfully operate in an intercultural working environment.

  • Make young people aware of cultural diversity in Europe, including diversity of social norms, cultural codes, culturally-specific behaviors,
  • Develop cultural sensibility that helps to establish successful interpersonal relations with representatives of different cultures and to achieves goals in intercultural environment,
  • Develop positive attitudes of acceptance and openness towards diversity,
  • Develop concrete intercultural skills, that helps to operate in intercultural environment such as:
    • Negotiations in intercultural environments
    • Effective communication o Ability to recognize and respond to acts of discrimination
    • Ability to build a trust in intercultural teams  
    • Knowledge on different time management and organizational cultures in different countries.

Draft programme of the project:

  • DAY 1
    • Introdution to the program, idea of the training course, venue getting to know each other, cultural artefacts
    • Team Building Activities and Trust Building Activities
    • Introdution to youthpass and idea of self-evaluation
  • DAY 2
    • How much is from our culture in us? Theory of “National characters”
    • Categorisation of cultures
    • What happens when “cultures” meet?
    • Intercultural night without stereotyping!
  • DAY 3
    • Discover cultural codes
    • Cultural codes in a work place
    • Dimensions of cultures (Hofstede`s model) – comparison of our countries
    • Cultural identity of Europe. Does it exist?
  • DAY 4
    • Cultural diversity – value or danger?
    • What is discrimination? Prejudices? Stereotypes?
    • Recognise and react! – case studies on unequal treatment
  • DAY 5
    • Negotiations in intercultural conditions – introduction
    • Intercultural negotiations in practice
    • Hints for our organizations
  • DAY 6
    • Exploring intercultural Berlin
    • Interviews with locals
    • Evaluation of the learning outcomes
    • Evaluation of the Training Course
  • DAY 7
    • Autoreflection
    • Youthpass ceremony
    • Networking

Profile of participants: 

  • Age above 18
  • To be active youth workers willing to apply and multiply the knowledge received on this training course
  • Willing to get involved in and lead youth work activities which will contribute to inclusion, intercultural dialogue and acceptance of diversity in communities and in international projects
  • Willing to share the new knowledge with the members of CID once he/she gets back 
  • Able to work in English
  • Able to attend the entire duration of the course

Financial details:

  • Food and accommodation will be covered 100% by organizers.
    Participants will be accommodated in a youth center Abenteuerzentrum im Grunewald in Berlin – Grunewald.
  • Travel expenses will be covered up to 275 EUR. 

SENDING FEE (payable to CID): 500 MKD
Apply here