Long term training course on global education:

  • First training: 15 – 24 April 2016 – Sremski Karlovci, Serbia
  • Second training: 21 – 30 October 2016 – Busteni, Romania

Deadline for application: 1 March 2016, 23:59 h.
If we have a quick look at various statistics about the world’s wellbeing or present status we will find some disturbing numbers regarding the inequalities, injustices, abuses, human and environmental damages and victims, etc. Most of them seem to be based on how we are living our lives and how we allow others to live their lives (especially when their lives directly or indirectly affect our lives). Our life styles as individuals and as societies are not in harmony with the life of our host, planet Earth, hence many negative consequences.
Here are a few examples:
– About 27 million people worldwide are modern time slaves, working in the production or supply chain for many products that we use/consume on a daily basis: clothes, coffee, chocolate, toys, electronics, etc.;
– We have produced more plastic in the last 10 years (from 2003) than we did in the whole of the last century. Almost half of the plastic we use is in fact used just once and is then thrown away.
– Climate change effects (including here also extreme weather events) and other environmental problems caused by humans are killing more people around the world, more than diseases or wars cumulated;
– Almost half of the world’s food is thrown away and at the same time about 1 in 8-9 people in the world are suffering from chronic undernourishment;
– August 13th was Earth Overshoot Day for 2015, marking the date when humanity has exhausted nature’s budget for the year- after that we as humanity functioned with the credit we took from the future. Every year this day comes earlier than in the previous year!
We have only 1 planet- not 2, not 3, just 1 planet! It is not a matter of acting before it is too late but rather to act because it is too late!
A global citizen is a person who has a global perspective and mind-set, understands the global implication of their actions, takes the responsibility attached to them and is constantly making changes in their lives in order to accommodate their impact on the world in a positive manner.
Global education is one of the approaches which have proved to be very efficient in contributing to a raise in the number of global citizens. It is the education which develops global citizenship competencies (knowledge, skills and attitudes). It makes use of participative methodology and experiential learning principles in order to impact its participants on all 3 dimensions. It happens in schools or outside of schools and any person of any age or background can take part.
The main goal of the project is to build capacity of youth organization to implement global education with young people (to increase their level of global responsibility and global citizenship competencies).
Objectives of the project:

  • To increase the knowledge level of young people and youth workers in topics like: global interdependencies (from environmental, cultural, economic and political approach), SDG (Sustainable Development Goals, post2015 agenda, social and global justice, ICL and global issues, climate change, consumerism and sustainable lifestyle; sustainable development;
  • To stimulate the internalization of global values (as solidarity, global consciences, responsibility, etc.) for youth workers, young people and youth organization which will be reflected on personal, professional and community level;
  • To develop practical competencies as global educators to the youth workers involved (to prepare, deliver, monitor and evaluate global education activities);
  • To increase the level of motivation and efficiency at the work place among youth workers;
  • To increase the level of sustainable life styles of young people, youth workers and youth organization;
  • To increase the level of active participation (of youth workers and young people) at local and international level towards various global issues;
  • To trigger positive organizational changes in youth organizations (to have a more green and sustainable organization, to implement more sustainable and ethical projects and activities, to tackle more global issues in their projects);

The project will be structured with the following timeline:

  • Selection and preparation participants (February-March)
  • First residential training course for developing basic competencies in global citizenship and global education (Serbia, Sremski Karlovci, near Novi Sad)– 15-24 April 2016)
  • Practice phase 1 in each community (each team will have to prepare and implement global education activities for at least 50 young people) with a support manual (created by the team) and coaching from the trainers; (May-September)
  • Mid-term evaluation (online)
  •  Second residential training course for advance competencies in global education (Romania, Busteni, 21-30 October 2016)
  • Second practice phase (each team will have to prepare and implement one more global education activity for at least 20 people)
  • Evaluation (short and long term – online) 
  • Follow-up in each community and international

The trainers team:

Profile of participants: 

  • Youth workers (no age limit but preferably over 18) that have responsibility in running projects/initiatives (paid or voluntary) in their organizations  
  • Should have some basic relevant experience that entitles them to multiply easily new competencies;
  • Motivation in issues as global development, global issues and global education; 
  • Motivation and availability for the entire project duration (2 training courses and local practice phase as mention before)
  • All participants should have an English level of at least medium level (to be able to participate in discussion and in training activities);

Financial aspects of the project: 

  • Food and accommodation will be 100% covered by the organizers
  • Travel costs will be covered up to 180 EUR, for both trainings accordingly 
    Participants will be reimbursed after providing all original receipts and tickets, on spot or via bank transfer. 
  • Participation fee: 50 EUR 
    The participation fee will be paid during the first training course and returned to the participants in the second training course! This is in order to ennsure that all the quality conditions for an impactful long term project are meet.
  • Sending fee: 500 MKD (payable to CID for confirmation) 

Apply here