Period: 01-06-2016 – 31-05-2017

Partners: Out of the Box International (Belgium), Center for Intercultural Dialogue (Macedonia), Mostar Friedensproject (Germany)

About the project:

The project ‘Staff Training: Enhancing Capacity for Adult Learning Programmes’ involves partners from 3 countries (Germany, Belgium, Macedonia) and mobility opportunity for 4 staff members in 4 structured courses. 2 members of our staff will participate in 2 courses in Macedonia, and 2 on 2 courses in Belgium.

  • Course 1: Intercultural Education || 10-17 September, 2016, Kumanovo, Macedonia
  • Course 2: Entrepreneurship || 10-17 September, 2016, Kumanovo, Macedonia
  • Course 3: Education Online: Development of Webinars and online education programmes || 20-27 September, 2016, Brussels, Belgium
  • Course 4: Project Management and European Funding | 20-27 September, 2016, Brussels, Belgium

The ultimate goal of the project is to develop our organizational capacity to provide more quality adult learning educational programmes and in line with the Strategic Framework ET 2020, as well as to increase the capacity of our organization and staff to plan and manage European Funded Projects; The project is developed around the themes of Employability in AL, Inclusive and Innovative Education and Strong Support of Educators.The project enhances organizational capacity to provide quality Adult Education Learning programmes, by developing competences of our Staff providing educational and training activities for seniors. It will also increase our European awareness and capacity to get engaged in EU level exchange and learning possibilities.

The project in general aims to:

  • -Increase the quality and professionalization of our adult education staff, and provide them with tools and knowledge to modernize and develop intercultural sensitive educational and training programmes.
  • -To increase the understanding of our staff about the European level projects and especially how to make educational projects in Erasmus+
  • -To strengthen organizational capacities to promote employability of adult learners, by introducing entrepreneurship educational approach;
  • -Develop our staff competences for open and innovative education and training in particular to embrace the digital era in the educational work;â
  • -To provide space for cooperation, networking and exchange of experiences with other Adult Learning organizations and staff;

By implementing this project we would like ensure that our educational and training programs promote employability, skills and innovation, prevent violence and fanaticism and lay the foundations for democratic values and active citizenship.

Project on the portal of the European Commission: