Following the outcomes of the previous working group, the team of CID gathered on June 3rd to review and to improve the organisation´s strategy in terms of visibility and outreach to the people it serves.

The CID team comprises 17 permanent members who activate in the 2 premises: the executive office and the youth center MultiКулти. For this occasion, seven members of CID gathered for the working group, which focused on analysing and researching the level of understanding of the mission and vision of CID, but also to see what is the perception of people from outside CID towards our activity and how it can be made clearer and more inclusive.

For half a day, the CID members discussed about how actual the mission and vision of CID are, how well it reflects the ongoing projects and programmes, what is the strategic vision for the next upcoming years and how can CID ensure that its mission and vision will be clear, accessible and attractive to the target group.

Elena Ceban, a project officer in CID, said that this working group had a positive impact on the overall activity of CID:

”We haven’t had such a discussion in a while; it was useful to look back at our work, analyse how the projects we implement reflect our vision and mission, assess the extent to which the values and expectations of all the CID members are aligned and follow the set objectives of the organisation, and think together about how we can improve the overall visibility of CID as a provider of educational opportunities, training and consultancy to the target groups we work with.”

The results of the working group were summed up and prepared to be presented at the next General Assembly of CID, scheduled to happen in June.