Project dates 19-26 September 2016

Project place Poznan/ Poland

Application deadline: 15.07.2016


About the project

The project aims to increase the skills of youth workers working with volunteers in order to strengthen organizations in order support the development of volunteering and volunteers.

The project will be attended by 27 beneficiaries and project partners are organizations from 5 countries: Macedonia, Czech Republic, Germany, Portugal and Poland.

In each of these countries, volunteer management system is different. Also legal conditions of volunteering are different, the state of democracy and civil society at large. Working in such a diverse group, gives us a chance to capture volunteering as a phenomenon of international, European. This will allow to compare ways of working with volunteers and  develop a universal tools for managing volunteers.

The specific objectives of the project are:

  • Increasing the knowledge of the participants of training on modern methods of diagnosis needs of the volunteer and create individual action plan
  • Improving the competence of those working with volunteers on motivation, communication and conflict resolution
  • Improving the competence of the participants for effective evaluation of volunteer work, its development and how they can take advantage of existing skills
  • Improving the competence of the participants in the promotion of volunteering, and especially the promotion of competences acquired by volunteers through online tools
  • Exchange of experience between the project partners, showing the different types of volunteering with special emphasis on intergenerational volunteering
  • Creating a toolbox, an organization working with volunteers


Profile of the participants:
  • Be above 18 years old
  • Be involved in every day working with young people who are engaged in voluntary activities;
  • Have experience in working with organizations and / or institutions receiving volunteers;
  • Have experience in volunteers managing the work of other volunteers.
  • Willing to share their experience with people from CID
  • Ability to work in English


Financial aspect of the project

Food and accommodation will be covered 100% from the hosting organization

Travel costs will be covered up to 360 EUR (reimbursement will be done after receiving all invoices, boarding passes, tickets etc)


Participation fee: NONE
Sending fee: 500 MKD