Once upon a time an organisation was born… This month, Center for Intercultural Dialogue celebrated its 10 years anniversary. It was an epic re-encounter of the founder members, of friends, partners, families and followers. In its 10 years of existence, CID has grown and has evolved into an organisation that implements over 20 projects per year and that actively involves young people and civil society organisations in a common attempt to promote community development and civic involvement in Macedonia.

The ceremony started with a walk through the memory lane: the previous leaders of the organisation – Boshko Stankovski, Lindita Rexhepi, Stefan Manevski, Matej Manevski and Milos Ristovski shared with the guests a few words about how being part of CID changed their lives and how it continues to shape ideas, people and values.

We wanted to express our gratitude towards all the institutions, organisations and individuals who collaborated with us throughout CID´s activity by offering more than 60 certificates of gratitude. It was a real pleasure to see in one place so many familiar faces and friends from Kumanovo, Skopje, other Macedonian cities and even from abroad. The international tier was represented by the DYPALL network that had a steering committee meeting around that date in the premises of the MultiKulti youth center. CID joined DYPALL last year and considers this cooperation very important in terms of the promotion of the good practices from the projects and activities that the organisation is developing on a local level. Bruno Antonio, the CEO of DYPALL, wished CID his warmest greetings:

“Turning 10 is a milestone for every organization, especially for a youth organization, and in the case of CID it is clear sign of continuity, sustainability and mostly of the important work done by youth for youth and with youth. CID demonstrates to have its feet into the ground, strongly connected to the grassroots work they implement daily, while at the same time being able to connect to and contribute to youth work in Europe. Thank you CID for your great example and happy birthday!”

The celebration ended with a cocktail and an opportunity to socialise and share some good laughs. We closed the night with a gorgeous chocolate cake and with wishes to gather again in one year with more energy, more good projects and partnerships and more joy!

If you missed the event, click here to see the photo gallery or watch the video below: