EVS opportunity in Poland 

Call for all motivated youngster from 18- 30 years old, who want to spend a year in Poland, learn Polish and meet other cultures. 

Duration: 1 year

Exact dates: to be decided (between September 2016 and January 2017)

The main idea of this project is to bring back to youngsters in Kraków and Lesser Poland attitudes that are characteristic for youth: openness, spontaneity, joy, curiosity of the world – not closeness, radicalisation or fear from unknown. Thanks to this change of attitude we can contribute to preventing isolation, self-exclusion, lack of trust and rejection of diversity.
Aims of this project, involving 2 young volunteers from Spain and Macedonia (fewer opportunities) into the everyday work of Association Europe4Youth in  Kraków and Lesser Poland, are:
– contributing to integration and cooperation between disconnected groups of young people coming from different backgrounds, religion, ethnicity,
– engaging different youngsters into common work for the public good,
– realization of full potential hidden in those youngsters, as well as in our young volunteers – participants of the proejct.
The project will be realized in different methods (street art, social media, video, workshops, meetings, mini-projects) offering full range of opportunities for volunteers to realize their passion, ideas and creativity expression. Volunteers will be supported, motivated and encouraged to discover themselves and planning themselves for the future. It will not be just realization of the mission of the project, but also huge project “me” for participating volunteers.

Topics: youth information, non-formal learning recognition, youth participation, social dialogue

Aims of the project
contributing to integration and cooperation of youngsters from different social, cultural, ethnic or religious backgrounds, or simply varying with political opinions, or views on life in Kraków and Lesser Poland,
engaging diverse young people in working for common good,
realizing full potential of those young people and volunteers.
Activities to undertake:
local events, workshops, street art, exhibitions, social media, youth information, running portals, organising activities and youth projects, supporting youth in non-formal learning recognition.
Costs and conditions
volunteers do not bear any costs,
volunteers receive monthly pocket money (80EUR), Kraków public transportation ticket, free accommodation, insurance and food money (around 100 EUR),
transportation from home to Kraków and back is eligible only once and travel costs must not exceed 275 EUR (both ways).
2 volunteers will live together in a flat nearby the office, both having separate rooms and decent living conditions.

Application deadline 10 August 2016


Click for Info – Apply