In June Neal Raimi participated in a training course that shared good practices in project management. The training „Building Bridges” took place from 11th till 17th June 2016 in Geneva, Switzerland and was organised by SCI Switzerland. Neal Raimi represented CID at the event and shared with the participants the organisation’s experience in managing projects.
During the training course I got to meet 28 participants from different branches of SCI and to learn about what projects they are working in this period; we discussed about ways to develop projects together and implement them.
The training course was designed for youth workers and young activists already working or willing to work with asylum seekers and refugees in different local contexts within the main topic: workcamps, short or long term local projects, campaigns and other initiatives.During these 5 days we covered these topics: Asylum seekers and refugees: key words and definitions, Countries of origin of asylum seekers in Europe: history and cultural differences,The migration routes in Europe: old and new ways, The protection system for asylum seekers: legislation, governments and supporting NGOs, Stereotypes and myths: in asylum seekers shoes, Working with asylum seekers and refugees: short and long term projects, Working with asylum seekers: challenges, practicalities and methods, Working with asylum seekers: applied psychology, Engagement in the field: exchange of good practices and presentation of successful projects and initiatives.Each group had to develop a workshop on the topic of asylum seekers. My group, we decided to work on raising awareness on the issue of asylum-seekers and the countries that we plan to develop the workshop are Macedonia, Bulgaria, Serbia and Kosovo.
Neal is looking forward to collaborating with the new partner organisations.