This year YEU (Youth for Exchange and Understanding) celebrated 30 years of existence. To mark their birthday, they organised a convention and invited all the partner organisations. “Europe from Scratch” was the title of 2016 YEU Convention. The Convention, funded by Erasmus Plus, is inspired by the EC project “A new narrative for Europe”, designed to give a voice to the artistic, cultural, scientific and intellectual communities to articulate what Europe stands for today and tomorrow. CID has a considerable participation in the network, and couldn’t miss such an event. Matej Manevski, its vice-president, Milos Ristovski, a senior trainer of the network’s pool of trainers, Filip Janevic, Elena Manevska and Martina Zareva attended different events of the convention.

The convention lasted between July 22-30 and was held in 2 Belgian cities, Brussels and Ronse. The program offered the participants the opportunity to meet each other, establish new partnerships, discuss about how Europe is seen in their own communities (the participants had a homework task to research local opinions about Europe), visit around Brussels, do a cleaning activity in Ronse and work on national team action plans.

The national team action plan designed by the Macedonian team focused on designing several workshops that will be implemented in Kumanovo with the aim to present the idea of YEU and to encourage young people to be more active in their local communities and to find out how they can improve their skills by taking part in different national and international activity.

We are happy that YEU reached such a beautiful milestone and are wishing the whole team more projects, more partnerships and more significant impact in the communities that they are trying to reach.

Click here to read more about the convention from the YEU website.