Project dates 12-16 September 2016

Project place Vilnius, Lithuania

Application deadline 15.08.2016


About the project

The study visit is being implemented under the KA2 project: “Youth Work Recognition with Self-Assessment and Accreditation”. The project is being implemented by partners: Institute for Policy Research and Analysis (Lithuania), OPPORTUNITY (UK), Centre for Intercultural Dialogue (CID, Macedonia). The study visits will gather 15 participants from UK, Macedonia and from 12th to 16th of September, 2016 in Lithuania.


Rationale: In 2016 Lithuania is celebrating 20 years of Youth Policy and 10 years of institutional support for youth work. During the study visit participants will get acquainted with Youth Policy implementation through youth work in Lithuanian.

The program of the study visit will focus on analysing and understanding: legal basis for youth work, experience tools used in youth worker certification system. Time will be devoted to meet the representatives of Department of Youth affairs under the Ministry of Social Security and Labour to discuss youth work development direction in Lithuania. Moreover, participants will visit local youth centres and meet youth work practicionairs. New forms of youth work being established in Lithuania will be presented: detached youth work, mobile youth work. Participants will get acquainted with latest research on youth work implementation in Lithuania.


The Study Visit aims to provide an overview of Lithuanian youth work practices and present Lithuanian youth worker certification system.

The objectives of study visit:

1. To explore the concept of youth work in Lithuania.
2. To get acquainted with youth work competences development system in Lithuania
3. To share good practices of Lithuanian youth work methodologies
4. To create recommendation how youth work could be supported as a system.
5. Create action plans how to support youth work development at local level in each project country.

Profile of the participants:
  • Above 18 years old
  • Youth leaders and workers working directly with young people (especially with fewer opportunity youth), representatives of partner organizations, youth policy and youth work stakeholders.
  • Able to work in English
  • Willing to share their knowledge with people from the sending organization


Financial aspect of the project: 

Accommodation and food will be covered by the hosting organization

Travel costs will be covered up to 170 EUR (reimbursement will be done after receiving all boarding passes, invoices, tickets etc)

Participation fee NONE
Sending fee 500 MKD