Long-term EVS position: ’’Volunteering for Acceptance and Tolerance’’
Hosting organization: SCI Hellas, Athens
Sending/coordinating organization: CID – Center for Intercultural Dialogue, Kumanovo
Where: Athens, Greece
When: 1
st of October 2016 – 30th of September 2017

About the project ‘‘Volunteering for Acceptance and Tolerance’’

The project ‘‘Volunteering for Acceptance and Tolerance” is an international long-term project, built around the idea of voluntary service as a main tool in raising awareness of human rights, tolerance and acceptance of diversity as well as promoting inclusion and intercultural learning.
The project will focus on the current refugee crisis and develops activities to raise awareness of the communities where the volunteers are hosted about the refugees. It will also aim to promote solidarity and cooperation especially by motivating organizations to engage with the refugees and offer support for them.

Volunteer profile

Aged 18-30
 Good communication/social skills
Social media knowledge and interests in social media development
Open to learn and being (self)motivated
 Interested in writing
Responsibility, flexibility and proactive attitude are very appreciated
Experience and motivation for working with youth/children
Good level of English knowledge


Practical info for the Volunteer

 During the service the volunteer will attend a series of seminars/trainings on how to organize open promotional events, how to organize a meeting with potential partners, how to establish a communication system with the mass media, how to write a project within the ERASMUS+ platform, etc;
 The working hours are Tuesday to Friday, 7,5 hours per day. Sometimes the volunteer has to participate in weekend events. In this case the days off are moved to week days.
The volunteer always works under the guidance, supervision and cooperation of members and / or employees of SCI-Hellas and participates equally in all the actions and be able to propose and develop a personal small project in the framework of the the plan of action of the hosting organization. During all the service the volunteer will have the support of experienced members of SCI-Hellas and never substitute permanent working position in the organization;
Volunteer will share a room with the roommate of same gender;
In accordance to ERASMUS+ Programme guide, volunteer will receive monthly allowance for food costs, and personal pocket money.
Concerning the holidays, volunteer will follow the National Holidays and the guidelines of the ERASMUS+ Programme. Every month the volunteer has two days each of vacation;
 Greek language course will be provided according to the Erasmus+ Programme guide;
 One of the key success elements of the plan is the role of mentor, which will be assigned
to the volunteer.

General tasks of the volunteer 

Participation in the office work (administration, maintenance, helping with the activities, etc.);

 Participation in the promotion of the organization and further development and maintenance of SCI Hellas Social Media (Website, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc);

Writing and development of SCI Hellas newsletter;

Organization of raise awareness campaigns;

Organization of local activities and events (movie nights, workshops, intercultural exchange events);

Organization and delivering of the workshops for children in schools and, if possible, refugees;

Participation in Workcamps during the summer 2017 (organization, participation and evaluation);

 Volunteer will participate in the development of activities regarding the topic of the project ‘’Volunteering for acceptance and tolerance’’;

 In addition, we are eager to hear the volunteers’ proposals and give all the help as possible to the volunteer, to develop and deliver his/hers own personal projects, in accordance with the SCI Hellas values.

In our work we use both formal and non-formal methodologies in the implementation of the tasks: Meetings, informal discussions, trainings, presentations, promotional and raise awareness events are some of the methods which are used for the implementation of the tasks in the hosting organization.

Financial aspect of the project 

Accommodation will be covered by the hosting organization. 2 volunteers will share one room.

Food money  150 ЕUR

Pocket money 100 EUR

Travel costs will be covered up to 180 EUR return ticket

How to APPLY?

You can apply for this position by filling the questionnaire

and sending your CV to our e-mail address evs@sci.gr, and sending@cid.mk with a subject: EVS: Volunteering for Acceptance and Tolerance, until 10th of September.

If you need any additional information, please contact us on evs@sci.gr, with subject:
Question – EVS Volunteering for Acceptance and Tolerance