Place: Sremski Karlovci (Serbia)
Dates: February 3rd – 11th 2017
Application deadline: 16.01.2017

About the project:

The aim of the project is to enhancing the quality of non-formal education and youth work in Western Balkans and EU. Project consists of 9 activities, that will step-by-step build capacity of youth workers, trainers, teachers, educators and researchers from 8 participating countries – Finland, Lithuania, Spain, Albania, Kosovo, Croatia, Macedonia and Serbia.

First step on that road is to organize a seminar with 24 NFE practitioners (youth workers, trainers, teachers, educators, researchers etc.) who will discuss about different models of NFE. NFE practitioners that come from different background introduce in their work various modifications and improvements from what were regarded as “dominant” practices in NFE (that it is based on experiential learning, which has clearly identifiable phases within the overall structure – such as: introductions, team building, main activities… and evaluation). These “modifications” should not be seen as a “leave aside” from the standards that in NFE were suggested, but as the expansion of the standards. So, there is a need to strengthen practitioners’ ability to constantly reflect on their own educational principles and practices and adjust them to fit better to the “world of young people”. This ability to become aware of own educational paradigms and critically address them is an essential for maintaining quality of non-formal education. Seminar will be supported by experts from different fields (outside what is usually consider as NFE in youth filed) and they will share how they understand NFE and how they practice it. Those examples, together with activities, dialogues… will be video captured, so the documentation will be shared with vide audience. Major output of Seminar will be e-based publication with the working title “NFE reloaded in Europe” that will articulate various principles, tools, methods and processes used in different practices of NFE and provide set of conclusions and recommendations available in the languages of the partner countries, as well as in English. So, in this moment we are looking just for participants for this seminar. Blind, visually impaired, deaf and hearing impaired persons are also welcome to apply.

Ideal participant for this seminar is:

  • Person that has lot of experience in practicing NFE
  • Willing to share his/her experience with others
  • Ready to participate in dialogue about implications of different NFE models – to challenge and be challenged
  • Be free to participate all duration of the Seminar
  • Has enough good knowledge of English


Financial aspect of the project:  
Accommodation and food will be covered by the hosting organization.
Travel costs will be covered up to 100 euro for return ticket. (Reimbursement will be covered after you send your original tickets to the sending organization – CID).

Participation fee: NONE
Sending fee: 500 MKD