Project place: Prishtina, Kosovo

Project dates: 10-19 February 2017

Application deadline: 08 January 2017


About the project 

Theatre of the Oppressed is a collective rehearsal for reality. The main idea of this methodology is to make people experience and understand how a change of an attitude, behaviour or thinking pattern can have a powerful significant effect on their life as well as lives of people around them.
Forum and Image Theatre methods are highly adaptable to the needs of different communities, with a large capacity to cover all kind of the social issues: human rights problems, power abuse and oppression in different ways, lack of activism, discrimination, exclusion, poverty, marginalization, xenophobia, etc. and through a creative approach provides a space for people to reflect, find solutions to these topics and transfer the solutions in their lives.
Theatre of the Oppressed even if is a very efficient methodology for handling social problems is not enough known and applied. This project is an answer to the needs of various youth organizations that need new methods for improving the situation of their target groups.
The main goal of the project is to increase the capacity of youth work sector to raise the participation and involvement of young people in social processes and change;

More specific Objectives of the project are:
• To introduce innovative methodologies in youth work field;
• To raise the capacity of partner organizations to operate at European level and in international mobility projects;
• To stimulate the exchange of best practices in youth work field;
• To increase the quality of the youth organization projects;
• To develop and improve skills in non-formal education in general, and in particular in Theatre of the Oppressed methods for youth workers from Europe;
• To develop a network of Forum Theatre multipliers in various regions of Europe;
• To improve project management, communication, team leading and motivations skills for youth workers
• To develop pro-active attitudes and the sense of initiative among the partners NGO members and also among the beneficiaries of the partners (young people).
• To increase the level of active participation among the direct and indirect beneficiaries
• To contribute to the development of employable skills among direct and indirect beneficiaries.
• To introduce Erasmus + programme, as a great provider of educational opportunities.

The structure of the project is like this:

  • Selection and preparation participants (November-February)
  • First residential training course for developing basic competencies in theatre of the oppressed methodology (image and forum theatre) (Kosovo/Pristina, 10-19 February 2017)
  • Practice phase 1 in each community (February-June) (each team will have to prepare and implement a forum theatre performance on a topic relevant for the local community for least 90 young people) with a support manual and coaching from the trainers team;
  • Mid-term evaluation (online)
  • Second residential training course for advance competencies in theatre of the oppressed methodology (Romania/Busteni, 23 June-02 July 2017)
  • Second practice phase (each team will have to prepare and implement an upgraded version of the forum theatre performances or a new one for at least 30 people) – July – October
  • Evaluation (short and long term – online)
  • Follow-up in each community and international


*selected participants have to take part in both training course and practice phases!

Target group and criteria

  • Youth workers (aged over 18) that have responsibility in running projects/initiatives (paid or voluntary) in their organizations
  • Should have some basic relevant experience that entitles them to multiply easily a new method;
  • Interest in social theatre/ theatre of the oppressed or theatre as a tool for social change (it doesn’t mean previous experience – please read the notes below);
  • All participants should have an English level of at least medium level (to be able to participate in discussion and in training activities);
  • Motivation and availability for the entire project duration (2 training courses and local practice phase as mention before)
Financial aspect of the project 

Accommodation and food will be covered by the hosting organization.
Travel costs will be covered up to 80 Euro. (Reimbursement will be done after receiving all the original invoices and tickets)

Participation fee: 50 EURO
(The participation fee will be paid during the first training course and returned to the participants in the second training course)
Sending fee: 500 MKD