Project place: Mavrovo, Macedonia

Project dates: 13-19 March 2017

Application deadline URGENT!



The Training Course is being implemented under the KA2 project: “Youth Work Recognition with Self-Assessment and Accreditation”. The project is being implemented by partners: Centre for Intercultural Dialogue (CID, Macedonia), Institute for Policy Research and Analysis (Lithuania), OPPORTUNITY (UK).
Center for Intercultural Dialogue (CID) is a non-governmental, non-profit youth organization that works on national level in Macedonia. The Centre for Intercultural Dialogue (CID) is civil society organization working to promote intercultural acceptance and active citizenship through capacity building processes, education and youth work. The organization is youth-led thus our work focuses on many aspects which are of interest for young people: from provision of services and information, to research and support for policy-making and networking.
The training course “Quality label for youth work providers” will be the third training activity implemented as part of the KA2 project “Youth Work Recognition with Self-Assessment and Accreditation”. The project will use mostly materials developed from the previous activities (training on models and tools for self-assesment, and a study visit on different approaches to youth work and youth work recognition in Lithuania) and the book developed on “Comparison of youth work recognition and toolbox of recognition”, and will focus on building competences to youth work providers to properly asses the quality of the youth work they are providing.
You can find out more about the previous activities on the projects website:

  • Above 18 years old
  • Are able to work in English
  • Youth leaders and workers working directly with young people
  • Full attendance for the duration of the project

All costs related to accommodation and food will be covered by the hosting organization.
Travel costs will also be covered.

Participation fee: NONE
Sending fee: 500 MKD