Supported by: Erasmus + programme
Period: 15.02.2017 – 14.01.2018

Coordinator: Fundatia Alaturi de Voi Romania

Partners: Stowarzyszenie Moje Marzenia Spelniaja Sie (Poland), Institut Za Afriske Studije (Slovenia), Ronesans Enstitusu Dernegi (Turkey), YMCA (Bulgaria), Youth Pioneers (UK), Koperazzjoni Internazzjonali – Malta (Kopin) Association (Malta), Consilium Development And Training Ltd (UK), Center For Intercultural Dialogue (Macedonia)

Description: The project has been built on the identified needs of partner organizations through a detailed need assessment process prior to the elaboration of the project proposal. Over 100 potential partners have filled this summer a questionnaire and the most recurrent, urgent and approachable need has been chosen to be tackled through this project.

Aim: The aim of the project is to improve the quality of youth work within NGOs working with and for youth through the effective use of creative and participatory monitoring and evaluation techniques for impact assessment of learning activities (M&E).


  • Develop the capacity of 27 youth workers from 9 organizations from Romania, 2 from United Kingdom, Malta, 2 from Poland, Slovenia, Turkey, and Bulgaria, 3 youth workers/ organization, to adapt and use creative and participatory methods for monitoring and evaluation of impact for effective design and implementation of learning activities for young people, in 8 months.
  • Enhance the effective participatory monitoring and evaluation of impact for at least 9 learning activities in 9 partner countries, 1 learning activity/ organization, in 3 months.
  • Support the exchange of experience, good practices and the elaboration of at least 9 project proposals in the field of participatory methods of monitoring and evaluation for impact in youth work among 27 representatives from 9 partner organizations, 3 participants/ country, in 9 months.


1. Activity 1 – Training for youth workers on participatory methods for monitoring and evaluation for impact assessment of learning activities: this activity (5 days mobility in Romania, May 2017; 27 youth workers from 9 organizations, 3 youth workers/ organization. They will be youth workers with various roles and sometimes overlapping roles in their NGO that are using or should use M&E tools in their daily work.
2. Piloting of minimum 9 methods back home in the period of 3 months prior to the transnational seminar (at least one of the methods acquired during the training in one of their learning activities / NGO).
3. Activity 2 – Transnational seminar for identifying and exploiting of enabling and capacity-building factors as instruments for future participatory monitoring and evaluation for impact assessment (5 days mobility in Bulgaria, August 2017, 27 representatives from 9 partner organizations, 3 participants/ country). They will be the same 3 youth workers that came to the TC.
4. Elaboration of a short handbook on participatory methods for monitoring and evaluation for impact assessment.