Project place: Kyustendil, Bulgaria

Project dates: 28-31 May 2017

Application deadline: URGENT!


About the project:

The cross border region between Bulgaria and Macedonia is facing one of the highest unemployment rates in Europe, which is making the high rate of migration to different regions in the country, and towards other countries, alarming. This is mostly from the lack of knowledge and self-initiative/responsibility competences that are lacking among the population and young people especially. There have been a lot of processes that have been implemented both by the civil society sector and the institutions, but most of the times it is lacking the element of accessibility and attractiveness of the information and possibility presented.

The main idea of the project is to offer a space not only for learning, but a space that will serve as a community for sharing, practice and exchange of ideas. This space will be available online but the project will offer blended, synchronized (online and offline) activities. With this kind of activities towards entrepreneurship, employability skills, social businesses it is expected that the main aim will be transferred towards wider target groups.


About the seminar:

The seminars will be organized both in Bulgaria and Macedonia, and will host 30 participants each from the cross-border region.

The seminar in Macedonian will be held from 10 until 13 of April and it will be on entrepreneurship, targeting unemployed people in the cross-border region.  The seminar will elaborate the topic of how to start and manage social enterprise, both online and offline.  During these seminars representatives from organizations and institutions that are experts in the field, will be invited to share their knowledge and experience of the available resources and tools that can be used to start off a business initiative and lead to a successful implementation of one’s business plan.


What to expect from this seminar?

The seminar will provide participants with competences in entrepreneurship, develop their communication and management skills and foster self-employment possibilities and opportunities.  The seminar will primarily involve unemployed youth from the both sides of the border, targeting them through Employment Agencies. The seminar will also involve Representatives of Employment Agencies, civil sector and (social) Business sector to interact, include, motivate and share best practices with the unemployed young people.



For the implementation of this activity the experts and facilitators of the seminars will use non-formal education methods in order to approach the topic to the participants of the seminars.

The programme of the seminars themselves will be led by facilitators that will be contracted as experts in the field of business and (social) entrepreneurship.

Also the seminars will serve as a platform to gather young inexperienced people from the cross-border region, and will offer them the chance to familiarize themselves with the realities and opportunities ‘on the other side of the border’, as well encourage potential collaboration.

The participants will also be offered a unique chance to interact with successful business people, entrepreneurs, and representatives from institutions and local governments, allowing them an approach and insight from another point of view.


Profile of the participants

The seminars will directly engage a target group of participants that do not have any previous experience in the field of work, and will give them a chance to learn different methods and mechanisams to put their ideas into practice, realize the potential of social enterprises and even open their own.

The participants should be above 18 years old.


Working language will be Bulgarian!



 All costs related to accommodation and food will be covered by the hosting organization.

There will be organized transport to the venue.


Participation fee: NONE

Sending fee: 500 MKD