Project place: near Toulouse, France

Project dates: 22nd August – 1st September 2017

Application deadline: 25th June 2017



This 11-days youth exchange will be about:

  • Sharing ideas of actions in public spaces that we know from our countries;
  • Discovering of Express out loud ! Training course’s results;
  • Preparation of an action in rural public space;
  • Activities in Saint-Girons (rural area);
  • Evaluate Saint-Girons actions and preparation of workshops for urban public spaces;
  • Activities in Toulouse streets : flash mob, speech carrier, disco soup, free zone, forum theater…;
  • Evaluation of Toulouse’s actions;
  • Global evaluation of the youth exchange.


The main goal of this Youth exchange is :
– To discover, share, experiment and evaluate methods of action in public spaces
– To work on activities that will favour meetings between everyone and citizen expression
– To provoke meeting between European youth
– To give opportunities of mobility to youngsters with fewer opportunities


This YE will pursue also other objectives:
– To encourage the youth to live in a more healthy way, through an healthy diet and outdoor activities
– To encourage critical thinking and to be active in a group dynamic.


Participative methods will be used. The participants will have to be active and involved in every workshop and be encouraged to think, analyze and debate on the topic. The practical workshops will be transformed into concrete methods to be re-used. This appears to us the better way to share and assimilate knowledge and know-how.



  • above 17 years old
  • be free to participate all duration of the youth exchange
  • has enough good knowledge of English
  • willing to share their experience with CID



All costs related to accommodation and food will be covered by the hosting organization.

The youth exchange will take place in an old farm in the south-west of France, near Toulouse. The place is a beautiful one,
but you have to be aware that the accommodation is rustic, that it is quite far from big shops, and also that there is no WIFI (but internet on computers).

Travel costs will be covered up to 170 EUR.  The travel costs will be reimbursed according to E+ rules. It will happen upon collecting all tickets and invoices, calculating all costs.



Participation fee: NONE

Sending fee: 500 MKD