1st Activity

Youth Exchange in Kumanovo, Macedonia

16th – 24th December 2017


2nd Activity

Youth Exchange in Cardiff, Wales, UK

4th -12th March 2018

Participants should attend both youth exhanges

Application deadline: 26th November 2017



Freedom of expression is of crucial importance for Europe, being it currently shaping its whole history. In fact, the media is more biased and untrustworthy that ever. For a bright and democratic future young people need to be able to express themselves in an honest manner. This project has been created by young people (mainly editors of the online magazine ‘Are You Lost Yet’) to help give young people that opportunity. 
‘Are You Lost Yet’ is two 9-day youth exchanges funded by the Eramus+ youth mobility programme on developing young people’s personal development and competence using online magazines, especially those from marginalized, vulnerable and underprivileged backgrounds. It will be held in Kumanovo, Macedonia and Cardiff, Wales, UK and bring together two different partners from distinct different countries; 20 participants will take part support by 4 staff / team members.
The youth exchanges will use non-formal methods and activities to help participants connect the use of creative online journalism with intercultural learning, breaking down barriers to inclusion, experiential learning, development of critical thinking, developing teamwork and citizenship. The participants will take part in a huge amount of experiential learning themselves using different activities such as research, design, investigative journalism, art, etc.
Main objective:
The objective of the youth exchanges will be developing an online magazine as a learning tool and form of self-development. The educational programme will aim to develop young people’s abilities to use online journalism, artistic pursuits and creativity as a learning tool, formally, informally and non-formally as well as a method of pushing their comfort levels and developing their confidence. Using these methods to raise awareness about youth issues, human separation from the natural world and explore the possibilities to act toward sustainable culture as well as tools for breaking cultural, social and geographical barriers.

  • Youth workers & Young People
  • Be motivated to develop their competences
  • Be committed to attend for the full duration of the two youth exchanges
  • Be aged 15-25 (No age limit for leaders)
  • Competently able to work in English language



All costs related to accommodation and food will be covered by the hosting organization.
Travel costs will be reimbursed up to 10 EUR for the youth exchange in Macedonia and up to 350 EUR for the youth exchange in Wales. The reimbursement for your travel expenses will be made through bank transfer after receives the originals of your travel documentation by post.


Participation fee: NONE

Sending fee: 500 MKD