Project place: Krakow, Poland

Project dates: 1-9 February 2018

Application deadline: 20th December 2017



The overall aim of the project is to improve civic education of youth, which will support conscious participation of young people. Why? We hear in media or exit polls reports that young people are politically passive, or don’t participate. This would be too simplistic explanation of the fact of low voting rate among youth. Researches show that young people are viably interested in political matters that influence them and they want to have a say in it. What is changing, is the place and form of political expression of young people. They don’t see themselves in traditional forms of political participation, in which they are being marginalized (e.g. the number of young people is decreasing, the political parties are overtaken by aged politicians, they experience ageism and youth discrimination). Instead, they do participate, they do discuss politics, they do have political opinions. The role of youth work and youth workers is to transmit the youth voice into mainstream and enable youth and the world of political decision making to hear each other. 
Therefore, the objective of the project is to prepare youth workers to deal with youth participation in new forms, places and mechanisms.
What we are going to do to achieve this?
 Research on youth participation in Internet in our countries,
 Deepen the knowledge on tools and mechanisms of nowadays youth participation,
 Train youth workers on how to support youth participation and enable a true dialogue between youth and politics.
What we are going to produce to disseminate this knowledge?
 Scenarios for youth workers of workshops or activities with youngsters on civic education using media and IT,
 Visual and audiovisual tools of civic education for youth and youth workers (mems, infographics, videos),
 Online campaigns and promo of conscious participation, media and our channels,
 We all take part in Structured Dialogue consultations and pass the outcomes to EU decision makers
What we are going to work on in particular?
 Effective communication online, media and digital competences of youth workers,
 Youth participation research, content analysis to deepen understanding of e- participation,
 Existing e-participation tools – how to use them to transmit a political message.

  • age 18+
  • youth workers or youth activists working in the topic of youth participation
  • should have previous experience in youth work
  • able to communicate in English
  • interested in the topic 
  • motivated to participate in the whole duration of the activity
  • willing to share their experience with CID



All costs related to accommodation and food will be covered by the hosting organization.
Travel costs will be reimbursed up to 180 EUR based on real costs of the cheapest tickets. Reimbursement will be given only after all participants send their original boarding passes, receipts, invoices, and tickets to the organisers by post.

Participation fee: 15 EUR 

(it will be deducted from the reimbursement. Participation fee will be spent on evening leisure.) 

Sending fee: 500 MKD