Project place: Yerevan, Armenia

Project dates: 5th – 13th May 2018

Application deadline: URGENT!!!



The Long Term Training Course “Promoting Diversity and Inclusive Youth Work Practices” is intended for youth workers, youth trainers and facilitators who are ready to work on the topics of diversity, inclusion and anti-discrimination in order to activate the potential of diversity in trainings and work with young people both at National and the European levels.
PRIDE is a multi-layer project that consisted of three parts, with different activities:
Activity 1: Training Course in Armenia (25th February – 4th March)
Activity 2: Local Activities in participating countries 
Activity 3: Capacity Building and Evaluation Seminar in Armenia (5th -13th May 2018)
Two participants from Macedonia were involved in the first activity of the project. Now we are looking for two new participants who will take part in the local activities and attend the capacity building and evaluation seminar in May in Yerevan. 

Aims of the LTTC Project
– To empower 30 youth workers, trainers and educators to develop diversity orientation in their work with young people and build their competence in diversity management;
– To support youth workers in incorporation of diversity into their working environment, thus, making their work more inclusive and effective;
– To promote diversity-oriented attitudes and awareness within the European programs in the fields of Education, Training and Youth;
– To introduce key theoretical aspects, the glossary as well as the practical tools, methods and instruments to the youth workers who seek to implement the concept of diversity in their work;
– To discuss how the European Youth Work can reinforce equality and ensure that diverse groups of people get equal treatment during trainings, seminars as well as other formal and non-formal educational settings;
– To strengthen cooperation between 14 organizations based in the EU and non-EU countries in order to exchange methods and develop new projects on diversity and inclusion within the Erasmus+ programme.
Aims of the Capacity Building and Evaluation Seminar in Yerevan
– To develop skills in planning of a training activity and mainstreaming diversity in project management stages, from planning to evaluation; 
– To learn about diversity challenges and issues in the Eastern Europe and Caucasus and meet relevant stakeholders;
– To discuss how the European Youth Work can reinforce equality and ensure that diverse groups of people get equal treatment during trainings or in other educational settings.
– To evaluate the individual learning process of the participants and have a look on the process of their self-empowerment and self-efficiency in dealing with diversity and inclusion; 
– To evaluate and reflect on the knowledge, skills and attitudes of the participants gained within LTTC;
– To evaluate Local Activities in Participating countries and present the project implemented through a dissemination event; 
– To exchange best practices in relation to youth work and strengthen cooperation between 14 organizations based in the EU and non-EU countries; 
– To exchange methods and develop new practices and projects on diversity and inclusion within the Erasmus+; 
– To facilitate networking between participants and develop new projects dealing with diversity and inclusion.


  • above 18 years old;
  • fluent English;
  • youth workers, youth trainers and facilitators;
  • interested in the topics of diversity, inclusion and anti-discrimination;
  • ready to commit to the full duration of the project and organizing follow-up activities in Macedonia;
  • willing to share their experience with CID



All costs related to accommodation and food will be covered by the hosting organization.
Travel costs will be reimbursed up to 275 EUR.  Reimbursement of the travel costs will only be done after submitting all original tickets, receipt/invoices, boarding passes and later sending of the return documents and boarding passes. 




Participation fee: NONE

Sending fee: 500 MKD