Project place: Reggio Calabria, Italy 

Project dates: 16th-23rd March 2018

Application deadline: 31st January 2018


“HRe-activism against Hate Speech” (HRvsHS) is a Training Course for human rights youth activism against hate speech, online and offline, addressing young trainers, youth workers, activists and youth leaders, developing skills and competencies, acquiring online and offline tools, exploring produced materials for campaigning and exchanging best practices about countering hate speech, based on “No Hate Speech Movement” Campaign experiences.
During this Training Course we want to explore the history of the Movement at European level and its implementation in the countries of the project partners, discuss about the definition of “hate speech” and “hate crime”, learn about Campaign tools, as the Bookmarks and the Hate Speech Watch, share best practices and “counternarrative” techniques, using non formal learning methods and human right based approach. 
Considering the alarming rise of online hate speech, of cyber-bullying phenomena which in some cases have even led to suicide of the victims, given the intensification of violent radicalization  and acts of terrorism, we believe essential to take action through education for the prevention and contrast of these phenomena, preparing adequately the youth worker through a high-level Training Course.
During the final part of the project there will be a public event, the NO HATE SPEECH DAY,  inviting institutions, trainers, youth workers and young people from all the regions of Italy, to present the Campaign and testing what has been learned during the TC, giving a practical demonstration of how to contrast hate speech online and offline.
– Improve the competencies of all the participants about human rights, human rights education and youth activism combating hate speech;
– Enhance the knowledge about the NHSM Campaign, history and objectives especially for newcomers;
– Enlarge the national group of trainers, youth workers, youth leaders and activists for the implementation of the Campaign in 2018, together with all the international activists participating to the projects;
– Acquiring abilities to use Campaign tools, as Bookmarks and We CAN, applying non formal education activities for combating hate speech;
– Exchange good practices from 2013-2017 Campaign, to be implemented during the follow-up of the Campaign;
We expect to:
– Produce an Action Plan for No Hate Speech Movement continuation from 2018 on;
– Realization of an Handbook on Youth Activism for Human Rights Combating Hate Speech;

– Set a bilateral/multilateral cooperation among partners interested in the joint implementation of the follow-up of the Campaign for 2018 on.

  • age 18+
  • with knowledge and/or competencies about human rights education and/or human rights activism
  • previous experience in the implementation of NHSM Campaign at different levels, from local to international
  • multiplier of best practices from NHSM Campaign
  • able to communicate in English
  • motivated to take part in the project
  • committed to the full duration of the training
  • willing to share their experience with CID and continue to be involved in the NHSM Campaign

*Priority will be given to people with less opportunities and members of groups target of hate speech.




All costs related to accommodation and food will be covered by the hosting organization.

Travel costs will be reimbursed up to 275 EUR after successful participation in the TC and sending all the original tickets. 



Participation fee: NONE

Sending fee: 500 MKD