I was one of the chosen participants in the training course by the name of The Bearable Lightness of Being a Youth Worker in Latvia, alongside two other amazing Macedonian participants, Stefan Karakachanov and Elena Dimovska and I can gladly say that it was one of the best experiences I’ve had so far.
The topic of the training was proper dealing with the stressful episodes and the burnout syndrome present in almost every profession nowadays. The facilitators did an amazing job, they introduced us with a completely new term – supervision – which turned out to be way more than what we had in mind when we would hear the word. Supervision is a sort of peer support that can be performed as simply that – peer support – or with an experienced supervisor operating at the same rank with the supervisees, with the mere intention of helping them face their problems and maybe generate a few ideas within the group that would turn out to be helpful in the end. I met some truly amazing people and I learned a lot, both from the training course, as well as from them. I am looking forward to learning more about this topic and implementing it wherever possible.
Tamara Trajkova

And here is the video from the project: