Project place: Mali Iđoš, Vojvodina, Serbia

Project dates:  21st-29th April 2018

Application deadline: URGENT!


The main themes of the project are focused on raising European awareness of the realities and possibilities for more inclusive society in the anti-discrimination youth projects with marginalised groups, against social exclusion.
This project is about fundraising from different sources, some of them being European level ones. We will be exploring different European level (Community) funding programmes available for social inclusion acceptance of diversity projects.
Through this project, we would like to raise awareness of youth workers about different European programmes related to EU social policies and how efficient networking with other similar organisations throughout Europe can increase quality, impact and sustainability of their work for more inclusive society.
• To allow for exchange of practices among youth workers from different countries/communities on various aspects and perceptions of marginalisation and inclusion, different insights and perceptions about youth work with marginalised groups and values in those work
• To motivate and empower youth workers for active promotion of combating social exclusion in their activities by respecting values and principles of European youth work for inclusion/diversity and proposed solutions and recommendations for challenges in their project management and fundraising 
• To empower youth workers and inspire their innovation and creativity in fundraising and grant application writing for working with marginalised groups, and thus through their work encourage quality exchange between mainstream young people and the ones from marginalised groups
• To explore different possible sources of funding for youth work on inclusion (available and through different offline and online tools) and inspire potential approaches of our organisations partners towards possible donors that they have not approached before this project
• To empower youth workers in understanding and using Erasmus+ and other EU Programmes for their youth work for inclusion and developing their skills in grant application writing for working with marginalised groups within the
• To develop more projects and activities, on local level and within the Erasmus+ and other EU programmes, that are aimed at raising young people’s awareness of everyone’s responsibility in tackling discrimination and marginalisation as well as at promoting the acceptance of diversity and inclusion of groups with fewer opportunities.


  • age 18-35
  • youth workers, trainers, youth leaders, project managers, youth policy makers, EVS mentors/tutors
  • active in work with marginalised groups in our communities 
  • willing to take more active role in organisational management and development of fundraising strategy and procedures
  • able to communicate and follow discussions and presentations in English language
  • motivated to take part in the project
  • committed to the full duration of the training
  • willing to share their experience with CID



All costs related to accommodation and food (three meals and two coffee breaks per day) will be covered by the hosting organization.
Travel costs will be reimbursed up to 180 EUR only for the cheapest way of transport and preferably for the return tickets, after successful participation in the TC and sending all the original tickets. 

Participation fee: NONE

Sending fee: 500 MKD