Project place: Yerevan, Armenia

Project dates:  18th – 25th May 2018

Application deadline: 11th March 2018



Europe has become more cosmopolitan due to constant migration within the borders of a country or from abroad for many reasons. People sometimes get false opinion of certain people or groups from unchecked media tools, and they tend to commit hate crimes or bias/hate incidents. When prejudice-motivated adults raise children, they inevitably turn into harsh bullies who cause discomfort and injury to their peers just because they belong to different ethnicity, language, race, nationality, religion, physical appearance, gender identity or sexual orientation.
From another side there are a lot of activities focusing on campaigning and raising awareness for the problem of hate and bullying, but there is not a lot of competent educators and youth workers who deal with youth who was already a victim of hate and bullying. With this project we want to address this need and build up competences for youth workers and educators to be able to provide the psychological support and empower youngsters to empower them re-integrate actively in the society. 
Therefore, this problem still requires utmost importance, attention and intervention. What encouraged us to come up with another original project about bullying is that as long as the problem seems unsolved it means there is not enough research done nor any effective projects to promote anti-bullying well enough. With a more developed perspective on the matter, we hope to deploy activities and raise awareness to fight with every rampant form of bullying through our project.
The aim of the project will be to equip youth workers and educators with a set of competences to provide support and work with young people who have faced hate and bullying for their empowerment and re-integration as active stakeholders in the fight against for human rights, tolerance and understanding.
The main objectives will be:

  1. To provide space for youth workers and educators to share practices for working with young people who have faced stress, bullying and hate
  2. To explore different competences and theories for empowerment and re-integration of young people who have been targets/victims of hate and bullying
  3. To train educators and youth workers to take an active role in working with, and empowering young people who have been targets/victims of hate and bullying

With this we want to address the need that was explained, as youth workers and educators must take a step further in their work, through providing them psychical and mental support, and space for personal growth for the victims/targets.
The main outcome of the project will be a compendium of good practices from different levels on how to work with the victims and targets of hate and bullying, as well as short stories from young people who have experienced this directly. Beside this as a tangible outcome, there will be additionally 20 youth workers and educators with built competences and equipped with practices who could take an active role within their society and work directly with the victims/targets


  • Age between 18-30
  • Competence in working with young people especially with young people from marginalized groups
  • Experience in working against hate speech, hate crimes and bullying
  • Motivation to be part of the training
  • Commitment to engage throughout the whole process
  • Willing to share their experience with CID
    As direct participants on the training course young people with experience as educators and youth workers will be targeted. The young people will be indirectly targeted trough the possible follow up activities.



All costs related to visa, food and accommodation will be covered 100%.
YEU will cover 70% of travel costs in accordance with maximum travel costs limit (set by YEU).

Participation fee: 30 EUR

Sending fee: 500 MKD