Supported by: Erasmus+ programme
Period:31-01-2018 – 29-04-2019
Project number: 2017-2-UK01-KA205-036942
Partners: Out of the Box International (Belgium), Center For Intercultural Dialogue (Macedonia), Peshkar Productions Ltd (UK)
Alter-narration provides young people and youth workers with a unique opportunity to be change-makers. The digital resources and materials platform stands to be the only one of its type across Europe that has combating hate speech and violent radicalisation training and development agendas and youth engagement interwoven within the fabric of the initiative. Alter-narration will be a premium example of action learning involving a multitude of new skills for participants. The premise of Alter-narration is to empower young people within different geographical regions to conduct capacity building via digital means that relate to their existence in the EU youth policy. The aim of the project is to inform and inspire positive action. Once engaged, users will be presented with a communication bridge to influencers and a plethora of engagement options that inspire positive action. Users can explore content produced to help combat hate speech and radicalisation – specific to their region. A key component to the digital content delivery is raising the awareness of the subject matters addressed to a wider audience. Relating to this point all content will be shareable via social media options.
Our main outputs are:
1. Study: “Radicalisation in Online sphere- forms and prevention practices”.
2. Handbook: Developing Alternative Narratives Through Youth Work.
3. Digital Stories: Videos of Personal Stories and Statistics as a Counter Narrative.
Our work will reach a wide range of stakeholders from grass-root to European level with our three multiplier events across Europe:
1. National Workshop with youth organizations on developing Alternative Online Content and preventing Radicalisation in Online Sphere. (UK)
2. Regional Workshop for Policy Makers: Preventing Radicalisation in Online Sphere. (FYROM/Macedonia)
3. European Stakeholders Meeting: Preventing Radicalisation in Online Sphere. (BELGIUM)