Project place: Ganties, France

Project dates:  18th – 28th September 2018

Application deadline: 5th July 2018 



The idea of this training course originates in other TCs which took place in September 2016 and May 2017 and were centered on a reflection around the body, its place in society and the physical, creative and expressive abilities it possesses, relying on contemporary dance/body language as a tool.
The good results of this TC and the enthusiasm and competences of certain participants and trainers made us want to go further in exploring the relation we have to our body and to our environment.
In a dangerously too artificial society, Mind Your Body, intends to give to European youth workers various tools and bases of reflection to approach mindfulness and to enrich and develop a better relation to our body, to ourselves and by that to other human beings and the outside world.

Topic and methods

To live our lives more fully and in present moment might be life long journey full of curious discoveries and lessons – in this course we will make the first steps together introducing basic mindfulness through body based methods and creative approaches, while experiencing how mindfulness can be helpful in personal and professional life.
All program and its activities is based on principles of non-formal education and active participation and involves elements such as: authentic movement, expression and dance mindful practices and approaches, meditation, body scan, mindful yoga, creative crafts and painting improvisation, theatre storytelling games and more…
Participants will be taking part in the everyday-life tasks, which is part of the program methodology and at same encourage community and team spirit and autonomy.

  • Age above 18;
  • Working/active/willing to work or to be active one day in the youth or the social field;
  • Interested and motivated to improve their competences and enrich their practice and personal life with mindfulness and free body expression techniques;
  • Beginners with no or little previous experience with the topic and the above mentioned training methods;
  • Have a communicative level of English;
  • Willing to share their experience with CID.



All costs related to accommodation and food  will be covered by the hosting organization.
The international travel costs will be reimbursed up to 275 EUR. Reimbursements will be done after the mobility based on originals of tickets and invoices.

Participation fee: NONE

Sending fee: 500 MKD