Project place: Bédeille, France

Project dates:  20th – 31st August 2018

Application deadline: URGENT!!!



Project theme: Our consumer society, ecological consequences of our consumption, meeting involved cities’ actors in those fields, concrete workshops to be able to reduce our waste, grow veggies, recycle and reuse things in cities.

In the European Union a person is producing about 475kg of rubbish per year. In total, EU produce almost 80000kg of rubbish per second it means 2,5 billion of rubbish per year. Looking at those numbers we can only be scared about the future of our planet. Today the challenge is to aware young generation about the consequences of our consumption, and the responsibility that we have regarding our environment, the earth.
The main objective of this training course is to lead people to think about the consequences of our consumption and promote up’cycling and practical ecology applied to the city.
This TC pursue other goals such as:
* Promoting a more healthy way of living by an healthy, organic diet.
* Encourage critical thinking and being active in a group dynamic.
We plan to use participative methods. Participant will be active and implicate in any task from the daily life. We will also use non formal education tools to promote a group dynamic and in the workshops proposed. Therefor every one should be able to develop his critical mind, his analysis sens and share his opinion with the others. By this way we will promote each skills and knowledge we will gain during the training course.
Concerning the activities, so far, there will be:
– Up’cycling workshop, reuse all the rubbish to make them have a second life (Palettes and tyres lounge, palettes’ permaculture box, furniture with carton, magazine etc.)
– Introduction to Zerowaste and practical tips.
– Meeting with the incredible eatable and shared gardens.
– Visiting Toulouse and it alternatives.
– A day with participants’ workshops.
– A school workshop led by the participants.

  • above 18 years old
  • youth workers or youth leaders, or willing to be and specialize themselves on the topic
  • have a communicative level of English
  • willing to share their experience with CID



All costs related to accommodation and food will be covered by the hosting organization.
The TC will take place in an old farm that the hosting organization owns and works on to improve. For ecological and ethic reasons, they promote vegetarian meals and use less meat than usual.
The participants will be in charged of the dinners and of the others  tasks  (cleaning,  tidying,  emptying  the dry toilets. . . ). There is no wifi, but internet on computers.
Travel costs will be reimbursed up to 275 euros.

Participation fee: NONE

Sending fee: 500 MKD