Project place: near Bremen, Germany

Project dates:  13th – 23rd November 2018

Application deadline: 9th September 2018



The last years have brought a topic on the public agenda that is a re-newed concern for youth workers all over Europe. The radicalization of young people is again on the rise throughout the spectrum – left, right or religious. Youth work plays an important role, as the radicalization of many young people could be successfully prevented, if youth worker could better differentiate motivations and mechanisms in the process of extremism. Youth workers need to know the different steps, recognize the codes and identify the phases of youth radicalization while happening in order to successfully prevent and protect.


During the TC for Youth workers we will tackle the following agenda:

  • Terror comes with many faces
  • Europe’s history of terrorism
  • Role of youth workers
  • Current forms of radicalization, with special focus on Right-Wing Extremism and Islamism
  • Religious and racial theories accompanying extremism
  • Study visits to learn about successful prevention programs in the Berlin-Brandenburg area
  • Skill-set for recognizing tendencies among young people and how to address them


The participants should fulfil the following criteria:
  • age above 18
  • to be interested in the topic
  • to have a track record of youth work over the last years
  • to have clear ideas, in which situations and organisations they are going to apply competencies acquired throughout this training course
  • are able to follow the programme in English language
  • are willing and committed to sharing / multiplying the new knowledge (gained at the TC) with other members of CID once he/she gets back.

Concrete aims and follow up activities are expected from all individual participants and the organisations they are representing. 


All costs related to accommodation and food (three meals and two coffee breaks per day) will be covered by the hosting organization.
Travel costs will be reimbursed only for the cheapest way of transport according to the rules of Erasmus+ programme.

Participation fee: NONE

Sending fee: 500 MKD