Project place: Ohrid, Macedonia

Project dates: 19-23 September 2018

Application deadline: 10th September 2018



The Center for Intercultural Dialogue (CID) through the project BalCAN Change is going to implement some activities from July-February. The whole project will focus on development of action plans on local level in 4 communities, development of an online course, production of stories, surveys and articles in different languages which will go on , video compilation depicting the caravan and impressions of the participants from the whole process, including learning moments, challenges they have faced and beautiful stories of working together.
CID together with the partners from Kosovo*, Montenegro and Serbia will select a group of 8 participants from each country, from 18 to 25 years old. The first part of the project is going to be the Peace Academy happening in Ohrid from 19th-23th September. Afterwards we are going to have online courses as well as the Implementation of advocacy campaigns from each country. In January we will organize The caravan which will start in Belgrade and will take all the group to each city, ending in Podgorica.This project will promote and try to build the capacity of young people to advocate for peace through cultural/artistic activities as well as increase the mobility of youth (especially from marginalized communities) in the Balkan region.

*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence

This project is supported by RYCO.  
The Academy will last for 5 days and will prepare the 32 participants for organising and implementing an advocacy campaign which will have clear objectives and a plan for action. The idea is to have advocacy campaigns that will have an element of public display (can be an exhibition, a theatrical performance, flashmob, etc.), which can be incorporated in the Caravan 4 Peace and displayed in every city, but the campaign does not have to be limited to this format. The groups will have time in the program to work on ideas and develop a plan for their advocacy campaign.
The methodology of the training will rely on the non- formal education principles: group discussions, role plays, daily evaluations, smaller/bigger/mixed group activities, using creativity and arts for expression.  Every partner will come with the expertise of their organization to share new tools on how to ensure intercultural dialogue.  The practical aspect of the Academy will be the planning of the advocacy campaigns, so that the youngsters already have a starting point for when they go back to plan their advocacy campaign during the Academy, so that they can get feedback from facilitators and other participants.



  • 16-20 years old
  • Able to use English as a working language
  • Interested in the topic
  • Highly motivated to particpate
  • Willing to participate in all activities during training course

***The call is open for participants’ coming from the area of Municipality of Kumanovo, Lipkovo and Staro Nagoricane.


Travel, accommodation and food will be 100% covered by the organizers.

Participation fee: NONE

Sending fee: 500 MKD