Project place: Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy

Project dates: 5th – 7th November 2018 – the APV (only for the group leader) – This position has been filled.

                            8th – 14th February 2019 – the Youth Exchange

Application deadline: 31st October 2018




Associazione Studenti per la Città” is non-profit youth organization composed of university students, high school students and young graduates who work towards the inclusion and participation of young people in university life as well as in social and cultural environment.

“Catch the moment! Wide Angle of diversity” is a youth exchange, under the Erasmus Plus Programme, aimed at promotion of European diversity, intercultural education and, consequently, social inclusion.

The project
 will bring together 42 (six participants plus one leader per group) youngsters from different background
among six countries (
Italia, Poland, Spain, Macedonia, Portugal and Turkey) to act together as a team in order to reach specific project objectives:
• To encourage the exchange of ideas in order to educate at the multicultural and cultural diversity through the values of respect and tolerance;
• To promote social inclusion using photographic art in its various forms;
• To improve the level of skills and knowledge of young people and to give them the possibility to spend it in the future in several areas, including the labor market;
• To increase efforts for inclusion and cultural diversity through the Erasmus + program;
• To enhance the international dimension of the organization involved in the project.

The main idea of the project in fact is to enlarge the opportunities of social inclusion, to promote cultural diversity and encourage young people to engage in initiatives promoting tolerance and respect towards other cultures.




  • Aged 18 – 30 
  • Face social, economic or geographic hardship;
  • Capable to communicate in English;
  • Has strong interest in the topic;
  • Available for entire project period;
  • Good knowledge of photography (at least one per group)
  • willing to share their experience with CID




All costs related to accommodation and food will be covered by the hosting organization.

Travel costs will be reimbursed up to 275 euros according to the rules and conditions of Erasmus+ programme.



Participation fee: NONE

Sending fee: 500 MKD