In the framework of the project ”InEDU: Inclusive education models for children with migrant background”, which aims to help the teachers in pre-primary education to address the increasing social and cultural diversity in their classroom, CID has mobilised teachers from primary schools in Kumanovo, to test the implementation of several educational methods that foster inclusion in classrooms of children with various backgrounds.

The training for teachers was held in Kratovo between 19-23 September, and included 20 teachers from the schools Nami Frasheri and Vuk Karadzic, Albanian and Macedonian primary schools, respectively. The teachers worked together to discuss the current situation in schools (the segregation and the lack of inclusive and integrated education in the country), and to analyse and give feedback on the 6 proposed educational methods.

As a follow-up, the teachers organised 4 events in the 2 schools in the period between October 22 and November 2, with more than 100 participants from 1st grade. The feedback from the children was overall positive. The teachers also enjoyed support from the administrative staff of the schools to organise the multiplying activities.

In order to consolidate and multiply the results in the local community, a conference with stakeholders will be held on November 29th, in the Cultural Center of Kumanovo. More details will follow soon.