Dragan Milanov attended 4 workcamps this year – 3 of them in Germany (Sustainable Lifestyle in Bernkastel-Kues on 14-29 July 2018, ARSPROTOTOkunst in Berlin on  5 – 18 August 2018, and ‘Lake, Hills and Environment’ in Sipplingen on 18 August – 2 September 2018), and 1 in Turkey (‘Adventure Camp’ on 22 April – 13 May 2018). Dragan shared a bit about the experience and about why he thinks volunteering is important:

”Volunteering for me means sharing our best values with people alike us, and creating a pleasant environment for the people surrounding us. I took part in international exchanges in the past, so I felt quite comfortable working in an international environment. One day I wanted to travel abroad, but I wanted it to be different than a normal one-week tourist visit. I did some research on the internet and there I found the database of the SCI projects.

Because I am a huge nature lover, I usually go to projects that take care of and protect nature. These projects usually promote active tourism as an alternative to the mainstream tourism as we all know it. In this way, more and more people are getting in touch with nature, which helps for raising the awareness about its beauty and protection. I will never forget how I was swimming in the wild and untouched lagoons of South Turkey, and hiking the hills in Germany. I would suggest that every young adult uses their free time to volunteer because it’s a great experience of intellectual and spiritual enrichment.”