Project place: Portimão, Portugal

Project dates: 13th – 19th January

Application deadline: URGENT!



DigiZation is a KA2- project funded by Erasmus+ programme that addresses the development of high-quality skills for youth workers and organizational staff who is working to raise the level of participation of young people and to ensure more inclusion in participatory processes of youth from diverse backgrounds. It is lead by Popedu (Austria), that has as partners DYPALL (Portugal), Out of Box (Belgium) and CID (Macedonia).
Its main goals are:

  • Develop a common understanding of the concepts related to digital participation of young people and its,
  • Identify and critically review the current digital solutions in practice in the partner organizations and to assess their multiplication capacity,
  • Create a virtual community for sharing experiences and good practices using digital tools,
  • Provide capacity building to staff members of the partner organizations,
  • Support participants in analyzing and further developing their organization ́s internal processes and mechanisms in order to encompass digital participation solutions.

To achieve it, the project will have several steps as a consultative and experts meeting in Portugal, a training for multipliers in Macedonia, local multipliers events and an evaluation seminar & international conference. In parallel, it will be mapped good practices in the different countries and organization and it will be created a booklet collecting all the outputs and also some with some contributions from the experts involved.

Consultative Meeting

This Consultative Meeting is designed for municipality officers, youth workers or members of youth councils or other participation mechanisms within the municipality (local governance), who aim to explore the topic of Digital Participation in Youth Organizations to engage young people.
The meeting will involve 8 participants from the 4 partner countries, Austria, Belgium, Macedonia and Portugal and also 4 experts on the topic from each country who will work on the booklet and contribute for the discussing in joint sessions.
During these days it will be possible discuss the state of art of the Digital Youth Participation in Europe in what concerns to structures, instruments and mechanisms of participation of young people and it also brings insights and experiences in how to develop sustainable and inclusive engagement of young people.
The project will allow discussion and sharing good practices regarding digital tools which can be used as key elements for real and effective youth participation. By the end of this consultative meeting participants will develop together strategies to strength digital Youth Participation in their different contexts and communities and thorough knowledge on how to create and run in a sustainable way structures for digital youth participation.
This study visit is the first implementation phase of the project “DigiZation”, and it will allow further to work together and implement specific tools at the local level, mapping the channels that are used by the participants and their organizations.
The specific objectives of this consultative meeting are:

  • To experience and understand the specificities related to digital youth participation;
  • To explore further the needs and challenges of digital youth participation in different countries;
  • To share good practices and to think of ways to transfer to one’s own reality;
  • To think of innovative ways of youth participation (new technologies, long-distance tools, etc.);
  • To offer possibilities for long-term partnership building among organizations active in the field of youth participation, for future projects.



The Consultative meeting is part of a longer project, which counts the following steps:

    • Training for Multipliers in Macedonia, 13-19 May 2019: participants from the Consultative meeting will share the outcomes of the meeting, including the booklet with their names, with other representatives of youth organisations, municipalities, universities etc. who are willing to improve their capacity of using digital tools
    • Practical Implementation phase, May – September 2019: participants will be supported by the partner organisations in piloting in their local communities some of the identified good practices, supported by the booklet, with an added value to the practices implemented in partnership with municipalities or educational institutions or enterprises
    • Evaluation seminar & International conference, 17-22 September 2019: Participants come together and evaluate the implementation, impact and potential benefit of the project on individual and organisations

Once you apply, we would love to have you onboard for the whole duration of the project, giving you the opportunity to come with us in Macedonia and in Vienna to share your experience in digital tools and youth work.

  • Youth leaders, youth workers and youth municipality officers;
  • Have relevant experience in the topic of digital youth participation;
  • Highly motivated towards learning about digital youth participation;
  • Be able to attend the whole duration of the Consultative Meeting;
  • Be willing to contribute with their experience to the consultative meeting;
  • Be able to work in English;



This project is supported by Erasmus+ programme.

Accommodation and lodging will be covered.

Travel costs will be reimbursed according to the rules of Erasmus+ programme. For the first activity in Portugal up to 360 EUR.


Participation fee: NONE

Sending fee: 500 MKD