Project place: Munébrega, Spain

Project dates: 16th – 23rd April 2019

Application deadline: 27th January 2019



The training course “Act your ingenious” has the aim to learn new practices to reused and rebuilt with recycled materials to spread them in courses with youths and kids. Many associations that work with young people demand self-production activities using waste materials due to the possibilities of working with solidarity and low cost materials to avoid more waste.
We want to carry out a training course for youth workers with the commitment that afterwards you will be able to carry out what has been done in the course with the young people who you work with. Suggesting and leading participated workshops, working with them with the tool of “theater of the oppressed” as a way to spression and socialization.
The course will consist on three sections for now, but you can suggest more:
A) Practical self-construction with waste materials
– Binding and construction of furniture with carton and paper: Cabinets, benches, etc.
– Reuse of clothes and fabrics: jarapas, bags, clothing transformation.
– manufacture of soaps with used oil, cleaning products….
– musical instruments with reeds or bamboo.
B) Organization of activities and workshops with Youths
– Fanzines and murals on recycling and reuse topics
– Organization of constructive debates.
– Organization of workshops
– Preparation of a small theater to increase zero waste awareness
C) Theater of the oppressed as a tool for working with young people
The workshops done will be collected together in a public platform where everyone can contribute, even after the training, with their experiences and will help as a guide for those who starts or wants to try new ideas in self-productions or work with youths through the theatre of the oppressed.
We kindly invite you to:
Get involved: We need everyone active and participative!
Self-reliance: You are responsible for yourself and to make a positive impact on the event.
Respect each other: Be patient, respectful and cooperative.
Learn and share: Share what you know, absorb everything and spread it back home!
In this project we propose to exchange the ideas and experiences about the different needs that you can build by yourself, facing self-reliance in different ways, using the tool of Theater of the Oppressed:
– Bindings and constructions with natural or recycled materials for scenography, costumes and instruments.
– Processing and transformation of natural products for cosmetics, recycled kitchen.
– Technics and topics of improvisation and theater.
– Workshops about zero waste and recycling materials.
This meeting we want, as long as it’s possible, that the techniques and solutions are provided by the people attending the meeting and in any case the association will provide experts in those sections that are not covered by you.


– The participants should be youth workers or that want to start to, with the desire to share and to learn about other cultures and methodes within team work and horizontal networks.
– Connected to Nature and to environmental concerns.
– Who take the iniciative to make or build the needs by themselves avoiding consumerism.
– We are expecting you to contribute to the training with some of your knowledge, start think about how.


All costs related to accommodation and food will be covered by the hosting organization.
Travel costs will be reimbursed up to 360 euros according to the rules and conditions of Erasmus+ programme.

Participation fee: NONE

Sending fee: 500 MKD