Project dates: 19th – 26th of August 2019

Project place: Ohrid, North Macedonia

Deadline for applying: 20th of July



ON I OFF Line: Youth Engagement Using Digital Tools project is a strategic partnership for innovation and exchange of good practices part of Erasmus plus programme that aims at strengthening the capacities and enhancing their knowledge through exchange of good practices on different trends on digital tools either online or offline.       
Since a decade, internet has a huge impact on elections and turnout. From the online campaign of Barack Obama, which was pioneer in the use of social networks in a political campaign, to the recent European elections, which has shown an increase of youth turnout. As the youth turnout still seems one of the lowest in all the age categories, especially for primary voting population, which is also the most connected generation ever. Henceforth, it is necessary for youth organisations to diversify their means of action, updating their knowledge and always keep the highest chance to reach the targeted groups for their projects, following the latest trend on digital tools, either online or offline. 


The Youth exchange “ON I OFF Line: Youth Engagement Using Digital Tools” will take place in Ohrid, North Macedonia between 19th – 26th August 2019 and will gather 21 participants from Austria, Brazil and North Macedonia.
Working language: English
During the Youth Exchange participants will have a chance to explore the different concepts of offline civic engagement, click activism and look into practices of engaging young people in the online and offline environment. Through non-formal educational methods, the Youth Exchange will provide a space to try out different methods which impact youth and define which tools are proofed to engage young people in action.
Participants will work on a social experiment in order to discover which methods provide biggest impact on youth and what kind of tools prove to be most efficient in order to inspire young people on action. The participants will be divided in three groups:

  1. The first one will focus on “offline” (“on the ground”) youth engagement and will aim to engage youth around certain societal topic using different methods for onsite activism (directly approaching youngsters, delivering leaflets, door-to-door technique etc.)
  2. The second one will work on youth mobilization using social media (making Facebook event, boosting posts, social media promos) around the same societal topic.
  3. The third one will combine methods from the previous groups: they will use peer-to-peer techniques, but will enhance the mobilization using social media. The topic again remains the same.


  • To make participants get acquainted to the new digital tools, how to use them in the best way;
  • To foster youth activists to reinvest the on-field activism and readapt it to the new trends;
  • To explore and try out different methods for engaging young people;



The Youth Exchange is designed for young people, youth worker and any person involved in youth participation activities. Moreover, the participants must:

  • Be able to work in English
  • Be willing to contribute with their experience;
  • Come from partner countries Austria, Brazil and North Macedonia;
  • Be able to attend the whole duration of the training;
  • Be highly motivated toward learning about youth participation digital tools;

We are targeting the following profiles:

  • Be between 16 – 26 years old;
  • Young people motivated to try out different digital tools and methods in engaging young people in civic activities;
  • Local youth workers or project manager working with and for young people on the field of youth;
  • Young people who are engaged in civic initiatives that advocate their engagement in decision-making process;