Project dates: 22nd – 30th of November 2019

Project place: Brussels, Belgium

Deadline for applying: 1st of September 2019



The vision behind the project is an open-minded and tolerant society providing equal opportunities to all no matter of the background or personal characteristics. This project is directly inspired by the results and the outputs of a previous YEU year long process, focused on the development of innovative NFE tools and methodologies to address the topic of intercultural dialogue from a gender perspective. Through this process, 16 new and innovative tools and approaches have been developed by young people that took part. Through the process called “Variety is the spice of life” we want to further promote the importance of building of an open minded society which can learn how to live together in all its differences. The process will build capacities of youth workers on how to input the gender perspective into intercultural and intergenerational dialogue as a transversal issue in their everyday work and activities, especially when working with migrant communities. 
Outcome will be a collection of follow up activities implemented in local communities of participating partners related to topics – gender perspective in intercultural and intergenerational dialogue – with an ambition to establish new practices (mindful language, promoting gender equality in everyday activities, involving wider community). 
Main idea of the process is to encourage youth workers/educators/trainers and young people to question current practices and promote new ones, by (re)thinking and (de)constructing cultural and gender norms in local communities. 
This process will be focusing on the following topics: 
– Testing new approaches, methodologies and activities in intercultural/intergenerational dialogue and gender diversity practices: if we want to contribute to process of better understanding and importance of personal freedoms we need to understand cultural and gender norms in different societies around Europe
– Promoting intercultural, intergenerational and gender perspective in youth work as a cross-cutting/transversal issue: YEU believes youth work should be inclusive and open for all, no matter of background or walks of life. Intercultural dialogue and understanding of gender diversity should be “standards” of youth work 
– Supporting acceptance and increasing visibility of Others: if one can’t understand the position of those different than him/her, it is difficult to promote tolerance and coexistence in local communities as small micro-cosmoses of human relations. 
The specific objectives of the process are: 
– To examine how culture and gender norms and attitudes affect development of personal identities in different societies, provision of equal opportunities and obtaining personal freedoms
– To test new tools and methodologies aimed at deconstructing current practices regarding cultural norms and gender boxes by tackling them through “cycle of life” events (birth, adulthood, death)
– To prepare youth workers, young people and youth organisations to mainstream intercultural/intergenerational dialogue and gender perspective in their work in order and support the process of social cohesion
– To develop competences and encourage youth organisations to use creative and innovative approaches for promotion of pluralism and active democratic participation of youth while acknowledging different cultural backgrounds and gender diversity on local and international level.
The training course “Variety is the spice of life” will be for 20 youth workers (2 from each partner organisation) from Belgium, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Greece, Turkey, Tunisia, Portugal and 4 team members (24 in total – team will be consisted of 3 trainers and 1 organiser) will take place in Molenbeek, Brussels, Belgium. These youth workers will take part in the whole process – first, we will build their capacities to work with young people of different backgrounds and input the gender perspective in intercultural and intergenerational dialogue especially if and when working with migrant communities. During the mobility we will follow the new tools and approaches developed through a yearlong process YEU implemented during 2017 following the most important life events – birth, adulthood and death. 
During the training course, we will implement local workshops with youth from local multicultural communities coming from both vulnerable groups (young migrants/refugees with focus on women and LGBTIQ+ persons) as well.
– Increased awareness of gender perspective in the youth world
– Youth workers equipped with relevant knowledge, skills and new practical instruments
-Implementation of follow up activities (focused on intercultural/intergenerational dialogue with a gender perspective) in local communities
-Creation of a network of partners and stakeholders that will collaborate to promote and foster equality, inclusion and non-discrimination
As direct results we are expecting:
-capacities of 20 youth workers built on gender perspective in youth work and non-formal education
-improved internal practices of local youth organisations on gender mainstreaming especially in intercultural dialogue
-Compendium of good practices which will encompass improved or new tools in non-formal education related to gender perspective, recommendations on gender mainstreaming in local organisations, youth centres etc, approaches to varieties in local communities and inclusive terminologies and creation of safe space
We are expecting to impact their work regarding the following aspects:
– Broader and deeper understanding of gender and its influence to development of a young person and their interaction with society. We want to build capacities of participating youth workers to facilitate free expression of one’s identity in society and creation of a safety net for those living in more conservative societies
– Terminology used in daily work regarding more gender sensitive language
– Inclusion of different groups of young people in daily work of the partner organisation and later on work of other organisations active in society
– General improvement of internal practices of the organization regarding gender, specifically in organisations working in intercultural and inter-religious societies


  • Experienced in youth work and interested in gender issues
  • Committed to engage throughout the whole process
  • Aged between 18-30
  • Committed to put in practice in their own organisations and communities the skills and competencies gained through the training



All costs related to accommodation and food will be covered by the hosting organization.
Travel costs will be reimbursed up to 275 euros according to the rules and conditions of Erasmus+ programme.