Project place: Tortona, Italy

Project dates: 26th of November – 3rd of December 2019

Application deadline: URGENT!



Born 2 Run / Run 4 Inclusion is two 7-day youth exchanges funded by the Erasmus+ Youth Mobility programme on developing young people’s competence in running, coordinating running events and other sports in the community and with other young people, especially those from marginalized, vulnerable and underprivileged backgrounds. The second exchange ‘Born 2 Run: Tortona’ will be held in the city of Tortona, Italy. It will bring together different partners from the different countries.

Participants will take part supported by staff & team members. The youth exchange will use non-formal methods and activities to help participants connect the use of sporting events such as small to long distance races; with inter-cultural learning, breaking down barriers to inclusion, experiential learning, development of critical thinking, developing teamwork and citizenship and other youth work activities. The participants will take part in a huge amount of experiential learning themselves using sporting activities such as running, hiking, trail running and other sports.

The focus of the youth exchange will be experiencing sport and the coordinating community sporting events as a learning tool. The youth exchange will aim to develop young people’s abilities to use sports and sporting events as a learning tool, formally, informally and non-formally. Using these methods to raise awareness about environmental issues, human separation from the natural world and explore the possibilities to act toward sustainable living culture as well as tools for breaking cultural, social and geographical barriers.



  • age 18 – 30
  • be able to participate all duration of the youth exchange
  • interested and motivated in the project 
  • has enough good knowledge of English
  • willing to share their experience with CID



All costs related to accommodation and food will be covered.
Travel costs will be reimbursed up to 275 EUR according to Erasmus+ rules. It will happen upon collecting all tickets and invoices and calculating all costs.

Participation fee: 10 EUR

Sending fee: 500 MKD